Hellraiser in Black and White?

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Over at there’s a column called ShawdowVision where they watch horror films in black and white to see if it gives the movie a whole new experience that it might not have had before. They recently watched Hellraiser in this format and apparently the results weren’t good at all. Here are some sample pics below to give you an idea of what it would look like.

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Their negative response doesn’t surprise me in the least because taking out the color of Hellraiser is like pulling out the soul of the movie. The movie relies on strong visuals and without them the film falls flat. Pinhead looks so dull and lifeless. Julia looks more like a damsel in distress from a 30’s noir film. And the effects of Frank’s resurrections are completely washed out. I don’t think I’ll be watching Hellraiser this way anytime soon.

Here’s a link to the official article to read the review: