
Clive Barker Playscripts

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Hello Everyone,

The Clive Barker Archive have announced today that they’ll be releasing the first two editions of Clive Barker play scripts, The Magician and History of the Devil. Each title will include photos from the original production, poster art, and manuscript pages from the Archive. Both are edited by Phil and Sarah Stokes who also provide an afterword for each.

I’m really loving the cover art for these. I’ll probably pick these up because the prices on them are in my budget range. History of the Devil and Frankenstein In Love are probably my favorite plays that Clive has written. Hopefully, Frankenstein In Love will be in the next batch that’s released.

For more details on each title and to place your orders follow the links below:

The Magician:

The History of the Devil:

Further titles will be released in the coming months and you can bet we’ll keep you posted.

Thanks to the Clive Barker Archive for the news!

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