
Hellraiser: Judgment Trailer Has Arrived plus Bluray Cover Art

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Hello Everyone,

The day is finally here for all Hellraiser fans to have their first look at the latest sequel Hellraiser: Judgment! The trailer finally debuted today thanks to the horror site Bloody Disgusting.

My personal thoughts on the trailer: Visually, it looks great. I’m really digging the yellowish look of the film. Also, the Pinhead make-up looks the best it has in a long time. Paul T. Taylor has a commanding presence as the character. He certainly doesn’t come off as awkward like the previous actor that took over role in Hellraiser: Revelations. All the new characters look interesting! Especially, the Auditor. With that being said, it still doesn’t feel like a true Hellraiser movie. I’m not sure what I think of the fresh faced cast either? Again, it’s only a trailer, but it feels like another movie with a Pinhead thrown in.

I guess only time will tell when the film is released on home video February 13th, 2018.

So what are you waiting for? Watch the trailer by following the link below and lets us know what you think in comments section below?

Once again, thanks to Phil and Sarah Stokes and Bloody Disgusting for sharing.


I found this official cover art for the movie over at Paul Taylor’s official Facebook site. I think it’s simple and gets the job done. What about all of you? The bluray will also come with deleted and extended scenes and a gag reel!

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