
Clive Barker: Dark Imaginer Paperback Edition Coming Soon

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For all of our listeners who love to know more about the world of Clive Barker the publishing house Manchester University Press is releasing a new paperback version of Clive Barker: Dark Imaginer this October. This book is a fascinating exploration into the literary, film, and visionary creations of one of the most brilliant artist minds of our time. It consists of twelve critical essays that delve deep into Barker’s work including his less known novels, shorts stories, theme park designs, screen and comic book adaptations, and much more. The book is edited by Sorcha Ni Fhlainn.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d love to have a Clive Barker theme park one day! Someone please make this happen!

Follow the link to pre-order your copy today from Amazon UK:


Thanks to Clive Barker: Revelations 

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