Arrow’s Nightbreed Limited Edition! (Occupy Midian News)
Nightbreed will finally get a release on disc beyond North America (Occupy Midian!) with the Arrow Films Nightbreed Limited Edition Blu-Ray. Long time listeners will know of our history and involvement with the Occupy Midian movement, which was only partially realized when we got the North American Shout Factory release of Nightbreed. See this previous article where we explained all the various releases and versions of Nightbreed. This new Arrow version will include the Theatrical Cut and the 2014 Director’s Cut, plus a slew of extras and bonus materials. We can’t wait to get our hands on one. It’s available for pre-order right now for £22.00.
Arrow has also announced re-releases of the individual editions of Hellraiser and Hellbound, Hellraiser II. I love the artwork for these.

Are you excited to see these editions coming out?