450 : Clive is Coming to Spooky Empire (News)

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Thanks for joining us for episode 450 of Clive Barker Podcast. The only Podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker.  Today we’ve got Clive Barker convention appearance news, some book releases and at the end we debate what you need to read before the Scarlet Gospels. 

Sponsor : Don Bertram’s Celebrate Imagination | ETSY Store

  • Today is Don Bertram’s Birthday!  Happy Birthday Don!
  • Check Out “Father and Son” and “The Red Moon” on his Facebook page. 
  • There are some paintings on his Etsy shop to check out. Mother and Child II, The Star Gazer, The Folk Singer, The Pearl, The Portal, Top of the World.  And don’t forget about his books, The Chimney Sweep’s Tale and Celebrate Imagination.  

News From the Reef

Discussion via Reddit

Patreon Members Shout-Out (Become a Patron)

  • David Anderson
  • Erik Van T’ Holt
  • Daniel Elven
  • Returning Sponsor: Don Bertram’s Celebrate Imagination 

What’s New for our Patreon Supporters?

  • Collector’s Corner: Jump Tribe
  • Patterns of the Dreaming God
  • The Art of Clive Barker: 1993
  • Ryan’s Presentation on Podcasting

Coming Next

  • A-Z Commentaries Z for Zombies: Evil Dead 2
  • Hellraiser Quartet of Torment / Boom Hellraiser Comics
  • More News Episodes
  • Jericho Squad 77 Returns

And this podcast, having no beginning will have no end. 


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Music is by Ray Norrish

All Links and show notes in their Entirety can be found at