451 : A- Z Commentaries – Evil Dead 2

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In Episode 451, Ryan and Jose are joined by Ed and Nina to revisit Clive Barker’s A-Z of Horror recommendations, still stuck in the letter Z for Zombie that will not die.  This time we’re watching Sam Raimi’s 1987 classic, Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn  

Commentary: Evil Dead 2: Dead By Dawn

1987, Written and Directed by Sam Raimi

Show Notes

Coming Next 

  • News Episode
  • A-Z Commentaries Z for Zombies – Army Of Darkness
  • More Boom Hellraiser The Dark Watch comics discussion / Hellraiser Quartet of Torment Coverage
  • Continuation of /jericho Squad

And this podcast, having no beginning will have no end. 


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Music is by Ray Norrish

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