449 : JS77 C1E23 ‘Household Dangers’

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Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 23 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion. 

Still recovering from being dead or unconscious, the squad are in a race to retrieve Cassius’ body before the enemy does, and they run into a few surprises on the way.  

During the Break

The Cast

  • With Catalina Querida as Musette
  • Joe Manco as Ralph Merrye
  • Jose Leitao as Chur’ Do’ Vir
  • Lori Bische as Anastasia (Zoe) Mason
  • Matt Williams as Richard Smitty
  • And Ryan Danhauser as the DM
  •  With Technical Producer Rob Danhauser

Coming Next

  • A-Z Commentaries: Survival of the Dead
  •  More Classic Commentaries
  • More News and Interviews
  • Jericho Continues???

And this podcast, having no beginning will have no end. 

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All Links and show notes in their Entirety can be found at http://www.clivebarkercast.com

Music is by Ray Norrish