All posts by Rob Ridenour

Nightbreed LP soundtrack Update!!!

Over at Revelations official Facebook page they’ve got an update on The Nightbreed LP that’s being released from Waxwork Records. Illustrator Rich Kelly, who’s been creating the covers for the record, shared his latest version on his Facebook page. He also had this to say about working on the project: One...READ MORE...

Clive Barker Audio Books are Selling like Hotcakes!!!

Over at Cross Road Press they’ve released their top 20 Audio books and ninety-five percent of them are Clive Barker titles. Apparently 50,000 copies have been sold and if I were a betting man I’d say most of those are the Clive Barker titles. Their top seller of of course is Clive...READ MORE...

Leviathan goes to the Big Screen!!!

Over at the Revelations official Facebook page they shared some great news that the recently released documentary Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II will be shown on the big screen at the The Electric Theater in Birmingham, UK. I should be getting my copy this week but I would love...READ MORE...

Double Retro Review: Hellraiser and Lord of Illusions

Double Retro Review: Hellraiser and Lord of Illusions

After recently finishing The Scarlet Gospels I had a strong yearning to watch both the original Hellraiser and Lord of Illusions. I guess I need Harry and Pinhead in my life right now. I can’t shake them off after reading such a fantastic book. The original Hellraiser film was released...READ MORE...

The Clive Barker Society Coming Soon!

Over at Clive Barker‘s official Facebook page they’ve shared some interesting news that concerns all fans of Clive Barker’s work. They’ve dubbed it The Clive Barker Society and more news will be revealed at this year’s upcoming San Diego Comic Con! All you have to do is join the official...READ MORE...

Awesome Memes from Clive Barker!!!

I’ll admit I’m not a big fan of memes but the ones over at the official Clive Barker Facebook page that have been popping up as of late have really caught my interest. And they’re obviously very popular with the fan base because they continue to crank them out two...READ MORE...

Nightbreed Trade Paperback Editions!!!

It seems Boom! Studios is finally releasing the Nightbreed twelve issue run they did this past year in TPB form. They’ll be releasing three separate volumes that are broken into four issues a piece. I personally had mixed feelings on the run but overall the good out weighed the bad....READ MORE...

Random Scarlet Gospels News!!!

Revelations official Facebook page has shared a couple of cool news stories concerning The Scarlet Gospels: One is about a UK HB first edition from Analecta Books which is signed by artist Ed Miller. He’s also doing illustrations for the upcoming deluxe edition of The Scarlet Gospels from Earthling. I’m really loving...READ MORE...

Yattering and Jack Portfolios still Available!!!

Over at the Revelations official Facebook page they shared some interesting news that Gauntlet Press has a very limited number of their 1990 Yattering and Jack portfolios available. Apparently all the details can found in their current newsletter. A big fan of The Yattering and Jack which is a fun...READ MORE...

Clive Barker Needs You!!!

Over at the official Clive Barker Facebook page they made announcement to all comic artists around the world. Here’s the official public announcement taken from their website: COMIC ARTISTS NEEDED. Please share! We have some extremely interesting projects on the horizon, and what better place than the internet to spread...READ MORE...