Clive Barker News


If there’s some news I feel like I need to share… Phil and Sara over at do a great job keeping us informed, so for the most part, this is not a news site.

Leviathan Documentary Giveaway!!!

Dead Mouse Productions is giving away two Limited Edition copies of the popular documentary Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II in a Facebook exclusive giveaway. This is a good chance for anyone who missed out getting a copy of this wonderful documentary! The details on how to...READ MORE...

New Clive Barker Painting Revealed!!!

Over at Johnny Raymond’s Facebook page he’s just revealed a new painting done by Clive Barker. It looks like an alien being caught in the act of being something more. I’ve been wanting to do another Beyond the Limits blog and I think this could be the one. A big thank you...READ MORE...

New Update on The Beautiful Darkness Soundtrack!!!

Lito Velasco, the composer for the highly informative Hellraiser documentary Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II, gives an update on the The Beautiful Darkness soundtrack in an e-mail he personally sent out to campaign contributors. He also has some kind words to say about the Podcast at the beginning of...READ MORE...

Hellraiser Limited Edition Bust Series!!!

The Head Hunter official store is offering Hellraiser garage-kit pre-painted busts of your favorite cenobites from the first two films. Each one is hand cast, hand assembled and hand painted, but buyer beware it’s a limited edition set that’s only available to ten pieces per character worldwide. There’s also a...READ MORE...

A Beautiful Darkness Soundtrack Update!!!

I was a big fan of Lito Velasco’s score for Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II. As I was watching the documentary the themes he created were constantly going through my head and added to the over all positive experience that I had watching the film. I’m sure...READ MORE...

Mark Miller to appear as Special Guest at StokerCon 2016!!!

Our good friend of the Podcast Mark Miller and Vice President of Seraphim, has been chosen as the next presentation special guest at 2016’s  StokerCon which is held in Atlanta, Ga. I’ve enjoyed a lot of Miller’s writing especially the work he and Clive Barker both did for The Next Testament. I...READ MORE...

Midian Unmade to be released this Tuesday!!!

I wanted to remind all Nightbreed fans out there that this Tuesday will mark the official release of the novel Midian Unmade: Tales of Clive Barker’s Nightbreed. It’s been a long road for this release and we here at the Clive Barker Podcast wish everyone involved a huge congratulations and...READ MORE...

Century Guild Announces Clive Barker’s Next Exhibit!!!

Over at Century Guild’s official Facebook page they’ve recently announced the latest Freaks: Exploring the Unique art exhibit that will be held along side Gail Potocki. The opening night reception will be September 26, 2015 at 7pm. Here’s the address: Century Guild- 6150 Washington Blvd. Culver City, Ca. 90232.

Scarlet Gospels Deluxe Edition Update!!!

Over at the official Revelations Facebook page they’ve shared a small update from Earthling Publishing about the Deluxe of The Scarlet Gospels that’s going to be released this fall. Here’s what they had to say: Scarlet Gospels (Limited edition) update from Earthling Publications : “The deluxe editions of Joe Lansdale’s...READ MORE...

Paul Kane gives Update on Monsters!!!

Paul Kane the writer of the wonderful book The Hellraiser Films and Their Legacy posed a brief update on our Facebook wall to inform us that the new book he’s been working on Monsters is about to run out of the highly collectible Hardcover editions are about to sold out!...READ MORE...

Midian Unmade Signing!!!

We’d reported on this awhile back but I want to remind fans that Dark Delicacies will be holding a signing of the upcoming release of Midian Unmade: Tales of Clive Barker’s Nightbreed at their store. On hand will be Editors Del Howison & Joe Nassise and authors David J. Schow, Nancy Holder,...READ MORE...

Join Clive Barker Society Today!!!

I’m sure a lot you remember that Clive Barker has started a fan page called The Clive Barker Society where you can join up in a standard or a collector’s membership that gives fans all kinds of special perks. Right now they’re still offering the SDCC limited edition pin when...READ MORE...

Leviathan Shipping Update!!!

Our Podcast news contributor and Co-Executive Producer of Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II Danny Stewart has informed us that there will a slight delay in shipping of the Leviathan dvds. Here’s the actual quote: “Due to the production shooting of  ‘The Story of Fright Night- All Leviathan...READ MORE...