Clive Barker News


If there’s some news I feel like I need to share… Phil and Sara over at do a great job keeping us informed, so for the most part, this is not a news site.

Cabal & Other Annotations by Fiddleblack

Hello Friends: Here is the unboxing video for my copy of the “Cabal & Other Annotations” book by It’s a beautiful hardcover book as you will see, and it has a limited run of 300 copies, numbered. [Hit the link for detais] (more…)

Nightbreed Cabal Cut Release confirmed!

If you’ve been following the plight of our Occupy Midian, you know that Shout Factory / Scream Factory is set to produce the Cabal Cut of Nightbreed on a DVD/Blu-Ray Combo-pack.  This announcement was made at Comic Con by Mark Miller, and simultaneously by Clive Barker on Facebook.  Details of...READ MORE...

Help fund projects we want to see!

   This statue of Narcisse from Nightbreed I’ve seen in person at Monster Mania convention.  If you want to see this statue and others from Nightbreed, here is the Kickstarter link!   The Toymaker’s Magnum Opus is a book, years in the making by Eric Gross of Followers of the...READ MORE...

Occupy Midian

Hello Friends: For a few days now, a Facebook Group started by Roger Boyes and administered by José Leitão, Roger Boyes and Ryan Danhauser has exploded as a new Nightbreed community online and we already reached 150 members in 4 days. (more…)