Taken from the Special Edition Laser Disc, the Lord of Illusions Teaser Trailer. A good test run of my new Game Capture HD.
To a new world of gods and monsters! To put it simply I’ve always loved monsters. From the first time I saw Boris Karloff in the 1931 classic Universal Studios monster-fest Frankenstein I was hooked and my obsession only grew from there. If anything was related to monsters I had...READ MORE...
This may be a common thought among children, but in the story of Little Red Riding Hood, how did she not know right away that the wolf lying in the bed is not her grandmother? Classically depicted as a wolf in a bonnet, this story makes you wonder if Red...READ MORE...
Hello Friends: Christopher Young‘s “The Hellbound Heart” is lightning in a bottle; it’s one of those compositions that crosses that line that separates music and feeling, and fuzzies the boundaries entirely. It starts with this mellifluous, smoky flute fantasy that ties us up in ethereal knots and carries us into...READ MORE...
“If they’ve got the negative you know I’m sure they’ll put it on some Bluray extra sometime somewhere, and then you too will be able to say to everybody,”Yeah it was crap.” – Peter Atkins After watching the deleted ‘Surgeon Scene’ from Hellbound: Hellraiser II I can see why writer Peter Atkins...READ MORE...
For this edition of Beyond the Limits I wanted to take a look at the painting by Clive Barker entitled, 37 Nightmares. I usually try to get some deep introspection when I examine one of Clive’s paintings, but for this one it’s obvious that Barker only wants to scare the crap...READ MORE...
I wanted to make an official post for our site for all the fantastic original artwork RealCliveBarker has been posting on the official Clive Barker Facebook page. These new pieces touch on all the themes I love most by about Clive’s art: Monsters, darkness, life, death, and most importantly the...READ MORE...
I’ve always been fascinated and disturbed by the underground subway train systems. It’s a subterranean world that holds many mysteries, dark secrets, and legends. Clive Barker’s short story, The Midnight Meat Train (from his Books of Blood collection) is a brutal and unflinching look into such a world. What I...READ MORE...
The relaunch of Clive Barker’s official store has been nothing short of spectacular! I check it everyday to see what new merchandise they have added. What I’ve enjoyed the most is that they’re making out of print titles available again. I recently bought a copy of Clive Barker’s First Tales...READ MORE...
As I was looking over the specs for Arrow Video’s massive Hellraiser: The Scarlet Box bluray box set, one particular feature on the Hellbound: Hellraiser II disc instantly caught my eye. •Surgeon Scene – the home video world premiere of this legendary, never before-seen excised sequence from Hellbound, sourced from a...READ MORE...
The dead have highways, running through the wasteland behind our lives, bearing an endless traffic of departed souls. They can be heard in the broken places of our world, through cracks made out of cruelty, violence, and depravity. They have sign posts, these highways, and crossroads and intersections. And it...READ MORE...
Over the past year I’m been noticing that there are a lot of talented people over at the Occupy Midian Facebook page. Some fans are working on their own alternate fan-edits of the Cabal Cut, while others have created their own custom toys. Everyone here at the Podcast has been...READ MORE...
Daniel Licht’s score for Hellraiser: Bloodline was a breath of fresh air after the disappointing score for Hell On Earth which focused more on popular rock music to drive its story rather than the use of traditional orchestrations. With Bloodline it was obvious the filmmakers wanted to go back to a...READ MORE...
Once again it was time for me to stretch out… Combining dark/fun/sweet/tribal all into one. The great joy in the score for me, other than working for Clive Barker, was being able to use the children’s voices and a whole slew of ethnic drums and instruments together with an orchestra,...READ MORE...
Hello, my name is Danny Stewart and I’d like to introduce myself, I am the Co-Executive Producer of the documentary “Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II”. How I got involved with Leviathan was through their Kickstarter. I knew from seeing the crew assembled, and observing the compassionate...READ MORE...