If you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area, you might not want to miss out on the chance to see Hellraiser on the big screen with a bunch of fans. This event is held at Studio Movie Grill Lincoln Square. 800 Lincoln Square, Arlington, TX 76011 on Wednesday, September 13th...READ MORE...
Hello Everyone, While roaming the net this morning, I came across this interesting page called Then @ Now: Movie Locations, a site dedicated to showing the locations of past horror films and what they look like today. If you love this kind of stuff like me, I highly recommend checking...READ MORE...
Hello Everyone, On this edition of Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week, I’ve chosen a controversial moment from Hellbound: Hellraiser II that has divided many fans over the years. The part in question is the scene between the Cenobites and the newly crowned ‘Prince of Hell’ Dr. Channard. To...READ MORE...
Hello Everyone, For this edition of Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week I’ve chosen the resurrection of Frank from Hellraiser. Great films have that one scene that really hooks (pun intended) the viewer into the story that the filmmakers are trying to tell them. Many fans would—and rightfully so–argue...READ MORE...
Hello Everyone, A while back I was lucky enough to chat with actor Pat Skipper who many of you may remember played the tough and sarcastic Carducci from Hellraiser: Bloodline. His career has spanned more than thirty years in the industry ranging from various roles in both feature films and...READ MORE...
Hello Everyone, For this edition of Clive Barker’s Podcast Scene of the Week, I wanted to pay tribute to the original box creator Simon Sayce who sadly passed away after a long battle with cancer. He had such a passion for life that went beyond his work. I didn’t know him...READ MORE...
“I have written what my interpretation of the history of the original box is, because essentially if you want to go back to my research in Pitt Rivers (Oxford), it’s not a Chinese puzzle box, because if you look at the beginning of the film (Hellraiser), you have a Chinese...READ MORE...
The book, Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound Hellraiser II companion book has been available to pre-order for a while now at Cult Screenings UK but now details have emerged, thanks to their Facebook page. LEVIATHAN: THE STORY OF HELLRAISER AND HELLHOUND [sic]: HELLRAISER II – 230 full colour pages –...READ MORE...
Hello Everyone, It’s your good friend Rob Ridenour back with a fun new feature for all of you! Each week I’ll select a scene from Clive Barker’s movie-verse that I enjoy. I think this will be a fun way to possibly recruit some new souls into the world of Clive...READ MORE...
Hello Friends! The Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II Facebook page has just announced that there will be a LEVIATHAN coffee table companion book to their 2015 documentary. The book will be available for pre-order in May and delivered in July, 2017. The price will be £24.99. Here’s their announcement...READ MORE...
Hello Friends: Ryan brought this to my attention, that @Shudder had a Q&A with Clive Barker on Twitter (related to promoting the Project Greenlight REEL FEAR competition – previously on the @Barkercast), that was announced a few days ago, on March 9: So I looked it up and here...READ MORE...
Thanks to Danny Stewart, friend of the show and Facebook contributor, we got this little tidbit from Paul T. Taylor, Hellraiser Judgement‘s Pinhead. “But I have learned recently that HELLRAISER JUDGEMENT might be getting NOT the typical straight-to-video treatment, but a genuine THEATRICAL RELEASE!” He also went on to mention...READ MORE...
Hello Friends: We’ve mentioned this before in the podcast, that the Scarlet Box was coming, thanks to an early e-mail tip from an old friend back in July, and we’ve been sharing update posts on our Facebook page, but now here is the confirmation post from Arrow, for our listeners...READ MORE...
Hello Friends: On this Collector’s Corner, I bring you another piece from my collection. The Chatterer II Limited Edition figurine by NECA. Click the images below to see them full-size. In Hellbound: Hellraiser II, Nicholas Vince played the Chatterer, (hear more about his experiences in his own voice – he...READ MORE...
Hello Friends: Paul Kane‘s latest novel came out this July 12th, and I’ve had the opportunity to review it thanks to Paul Kane, Rob Power and Rebellion Publishing/Solaris Books. The following will be a spoiler-free review: “Paul Kane is a first-rate storyteller” — Clive Barker “Sherlock Holmes and the Servants...READ MORE...