

Helloween: When Hell Almost Came to Haddonfield!

To tie-in with the release of Paul Kane’s excellent crossover novel Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell (read our advance review here) that was released today I wanted to do an article for another Hellraiser crossover idea that almost happened back in 2003. Freddy vs. Jason had come out that...READ MORE...

Review: Damnation Games

Review: Damnation Games

This is review dedicated to Simon Sayce. Keep fightning and never stop! At the end of last year I reviewed the wonderful bluray collection of the first three Hellraiser films called The Scarlet Box. It was produced by the cult film loving company Arrow Films who put together quite the package...READ MORE...

Hellraiser and Nightbreed Drink Coaster Sets!

RealCliveBarker.com has unveiled some cool new Hellraiser and Nightbreed themed drink coasters that that you can now buy at their official store. The coasters themselves were created by the extremely talented Chris Alex and Stephen Imhoff Jr. I don’t think I’d actually use these as my typical drink coasters at home...READ MORE...

Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell

Over the past year author Paul Kane has become one of my favorite writers. I was first introduced to his work with the wonderful short story collection Monsters. A book that took me back in time when I was a child and my love affair for the fantastic was beginning...READ MORE...

Hellraiser Rubik’s Cube

The toy company Mezco has created a very stunning replica of the Lament Configuration which will allow fans to experience the ultimate painstaking challenge of trying to piece this item together. I’ve never been able to solve a rubik cube because usually I get annoyed with them, but for this...READ MORE...

Leviathan Documentary on Sale!

Just wanted to let our listeners know that the mega Hellraiser documentary Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II is on sale for 12.99 (that’s in English pounds) for a short time only. There’s only a limited stock left so keep that in mind as well. This documentary is...READ MORE...

Doug Bradley Talks More Hellraiser: Judgment

Hellraiser and Nightbreed star Doug Bradley is once again chatting up Hellraiser: Judgment in a new interview with the horror site Bloody Disgusting. Nothing new is reported about the film but he does make it apparent that he doesn’t like why Dimension Films is making this movie. [BD] Well, I...READ MORE...

New Clive Barker Giveaway!

If you’re a big fan of the comic series The Next Testament and Hellraiser: Bestiary like I am then you’ll love this special giveaway that Fun Size Horror’s Community Building IndiedieGoGo Campaign is offering. If you enter a entry of $25 ($50 gets you 2 entries, $75 three, etc.) you’ll be able...READ MORE...

My Personal Feelings on Hellraiser: Judgment – Part Two

In my first report I talked about the good aspects of Hellraiser: Judgment and how I hope it can deliver beyond your typical run of the mill sequel and create something special like the earlier films in the franchise such as Hellraiser and Hellbound. But like a lot of other...READ MORE...

My Personal Feelings on Hellraiser: Judgment – Part One

Hellraiser: Judgment is in the early stages of post-production as I type this. This sequel has everything going against it. The fan support is non-existent. Clive Barker isn’t involved in any way shape or form. Doug Bradley has once again decided not to return as Pinhead. And last but not...READ MORE...

Hellraiser: Judgment’s Other Cenobites

This past week has been pretty packed with news regarding the upcoming sequel Hellraiser: Judgment, and I for one am starting to get more excited about this movie. I’m not expecting the rebirth of the Hellraiser franchise here, but a film that’s going to try and give the fans a taste...READ MORE...