

Days of the Dead: Hellraiser Reunion News

Over at the Days of the Dead official site they have announced that they are offering a very special run of Hellraiser Reunion posters that have been signed by the man himself Clive Barker! More information can be found at their Facebook page right here: https://www.facebook.com/daysofthedead/photos/gm.814275878614763/803742996330722/?type=1&theater The reunion so far...READ MORE...

Plot Summary Revealed for Scarlet Gospels!!!

This is some big news right here. Over at the horror site iHorror they posted the first official plot summary for The Scarlet Gospels. At least this the fist I’ve seen of such a summary. SPOILERS! In the novel, a friend of Harry’s is taken hostage by Pinhead, and Harry, accompanied...READ MORE...

Scarlet Gospels U.K. Cover!!!

Over at the official Clive Barker Facebook page they’ve posted an advertisement for The Scarlet Gospels that goes on sell soon at RealCliveBarker.com. In the advertisement there’s a unfinished cover art for the U.K. Edition. I can’t really make out what it is but it definitely looks more interesting than...READ MORE...

Possible Sample from the Scarlet Gospels?

Over at the official Clive Barker Facebook page I came across this post shared by Ellison Hawker Bookshop. It appears to be a small sample from the upcoming novel The Scarlet Gospels by Clive Barker. Here’s what they had to say and a picture that they posted that seems to...READ MORE...

New Article on Scarlet Gospels!!!

Over at Revelations Facebook page they’ve posted an article from tor.com about the upcoming(and highly anticipated) novel from Clive Barker The Scarlet Gospels. The month of May cannot come soon enough. In fact get here already will you! Also, there’s a part of the article that bothers me the way...READ MORE...

The End of Pinhead is Near!!!

Over at the site theguardian there’s a nice little article about Pinhead and how Scarlet Gospels is going to be the end of him. As soon as this book is in hands I’m going to read it from cover to cover in one sitting. I truly believe this book is going...READ MORE...

Scarlet Gospels News!!!

For me the release of Scarlet Gospels is going to be the big Clive Baker event of 2015! I cannot wait for this book to become available. Harry D’Amour meets Pinhead! That’s a dream come true. Last night I just re-read The Last Illusion and watched the theatrical cut of...READ MORE...

Hellraiser Screening being held in the U.K.

This Tuesday the  Alan Smithee’s Cinema Vérité Presents will be having a special screening of the original classic Hellraiser followed by a Q & A with the Director of Photography Robin Vidgeon and actor Nicholas Burman-Vince. Tickets seem to be going fast as there are only forty-six left! So if you live...READ MORE...

Interview with Christian Francis !!!

Over at the horror site Bloody Disgusting they’ve conducted an interview with writer/digital painter Christian Francis. He talks about how he got involved with the recent issue of Hellraiser: Bestiary , the work he did on the Nightbreed Director’s cut, and other cool projects he’s worked on for Clive Barker....READ MORE...