

This category is where the podcasts go.

312 : A-Z Commentaries – Nightmare On Elm Street

Episode 312 of the Clive Barker Podcast is an commentary based on Clive Barker’s A-Z of Horror, N is for Nightmare. Jose and Ryan are joined by Ed and Nina of Coenobium.  Nightmare On Elm Street 1984,  Wes Craven Show Notes Pinhead on USA Up All Night (Jose mentioned)Never Sleep...READ MORE...

311 : News From The Reef: (New Play Books Available)

From the Reef New Playbooks from The Clive Barker ArchiveFrankenstein In Love — $13. Previously published in Incarnations. Nightlives — $10 Show Notes:  Clive Barker’s Plays on Revelations: Episode 102: Frankenstein in LoveBeyond the Limits: HeartbreakTime Life Mysteries of the Unknown Coming Next  A-Z Commentaries N Is For Nightmare: Nightmare on Elm...READ MORE...

309 : News From The Reef (Candyman Trailer 2)

From the Reef New Candyman Trailer 2 Coming Next  Interview (Doug Bradley)Illustrator IIA-Z Commentaries N Is For Nightmare: Nightmare on Elm StreetJericho Squad 77 And this podcast, having no beginning will have no end.  web www.clivebarkercast.com iOS App| Android App, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Android, Stitcher, Spotify, Pandora, Libsyn, Tunein, iHeartRadio, Pocket Casts, Google Play, Radio.com, DoubleTwist and YouTube and Join the Occupy Midian group Discord Community Twitter:  @BarkerCast | @OccupyMidian  Support the show, Buy a T-Shirt

308 : Huluraiser (Hellraiser Rumors And News)

Thanks for joining us for the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker.  In Episode 308, Huluraiser, Jose and Ryan break down all the recent news about the Hellraiser movie on Hulu and the TV Series on HBO, as well as a Candyman update and...READ MORE...

307 : JS77 C1E4 ‘Hell On Earth’

Welcome to Episode 307 of the Clive Barker Podcast, and Episode 4 of Jericho Squad 77, our Dungeons and Dragons game, set in a Clive Barker world. Squad 77 enters a false Hell in North Africa to set things right and find Musette’s cousin Aldrine.   Sponsor Don Bretram’s Celebrate Imagination  Art...READ MORE...

306 : A-Z Commentaries – Black Sunday

Thank you for Joining us at the Clive Barker Podcast.  In Episode 306, Ryan and Jose are joined by Ed and Nina of Coenobium fame for another audio commentary based on Clive’s recommendations in Clive Barker’s A-Z of Horror.  This time, we are at the letter M For Mistress of the Night,...READ MORE...

305 : Clive Barker Illustrator (I)

Thank you for listening to the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. In episode 305, Jose and Ryan take a deep dive into the very first dedicated art book, “Clive Barker Illustrator.” Sponsor Don Bretram’s Celebrate Imagination  Clive Barker Illustrator (I) — 1990, Arcane /...READ MORE...

304 : The Shriek (News)

 this is the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast deicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. In Episode 304 Jose and Ryan cover Clive’s Announcements from our own episode 300 and from his chat with Mich Garris on Postmortem podcast, new artwork for sale and Lament Configuration beer! Sponsor Don Bretram’s...READ MORE...

303: JS77 C1E3 ‘The Rescue’

Welcome to episode 303 of the Clive Barker Podcast. In this continuation of the Jericho Squad 77 D&D game, the group attempts a daring rescue of Chur Do Vir’s Brother, Drovo and face off against a deadly Nullianac.  Sponsor Don Bretram’s Celebrate Imagination Art By Asya Yordanova and Shayla Sackinger The Cast Wih Brant...READ MORE...

302 : A-Z Commentaries – Tales From The Crypt Demon Knight

In episode 302 of the BarkerCast, Ryan and Jose are joined by Ed and Nina of Coenobium, Joe of Little Spark Films and Sareth Ney as we revisit Clive Barker’s A-Z of Horror, L for Lynch Mob, Tales From the Crypt Demon Knight. Sync up the film and watch with...READ MORE...

301 : Sareth Ney

This is the Clive Barker Podcast, where a couple of Barker fans, Ryan and Jose talk about everything Clive Barker!  In Episode 301, we are joined by Comedian, Hip-hop super hero and former apprentice to Mr. Barker, Sareth Ney.   Sponsor Don Bretram’s Celebrate Imagination  Show Notes Sareth’s Electronic Press Kit The NarcolepticsThe Misadventures...READ MORE...

300th Episode Spectacular!

We celebrated our 300th episode in style, with as many past guests and listeners as we could cram in.  It was great fun and the full list of guests appears below.  As I write this, our heads are still spinning from this amazing episode! In addition to all the other past guests,...READ MORE...

299 : JS77 C1E0 “The Dream”

Please forgive us our stumbles! Episode 0 of Jericho Squad 77, before the characters ever met in real life, they met in a dream! This dream gave an ominous first encounter with the ominous leader of the cult, “The Aboriginal Children” and gave the players a chance to learn how...READ MORE...

298 : The Day of Colors (Happy Easter)

This is episode 298 of the Clive Barker Podcast. Jose and Ryan go over the reveals and teasers hidden in the new Revelatory interview with Clive Barker over at the Revelations web site, plus Candyman and Hellraiser news! Sponsor Don Bretram’s Celebrate Imagination  From the Reef Candyman DocumentaryNY Woman Discovers Apartment...READ MORE...