

This category is where the podcasts go.

223 : Book of Monsters VS. The Fabilu Family

Thanks for listening and subscribing to Episode 223 of the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. In this episode, we catch up on a little news, including some Clive Barker art available at a convention, a collector’s edition of Sacrament, an update on...READ MORE...

222 : Commentary – The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 3-4

Thanks for listening and subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. In this episode, 222, Rob, Ryan and Jose get into audio commentary for the Netflix series, The Thrilling Adventures of Sabrina Chapters 3 and 4. Why does Jose think Sabrina...READ MORE...

221 : Patient K VS. Yilly Kat

Thanks for listening and subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast.  The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. In this, episode 221, Rob, Jose and I go into  Nightbreed and Candyman news, who beat Decker in round 3 of the Duels of Blood competition, and we talk about Barbie Wilde’s story,...READ MORE...

220: Commentary – The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 1&2

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina S1 Ep 1&22018 – NetflixHistory https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabrina_the_Teenage_Witch https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/features/sabrina-teenage-witch-25-feminism-chilling-adventures-netflix-melissa-joan-hart-archie-comic-a8601336.html https://www.vulture.com/2018/10/chilling-adventures-of-sabrina-netflix-opening-credits.html https://www.thisisinsider.com/chilling-adventures-of-sabrina-hidden-references-details-in2018-10#ms-wardwell-is-the-alias-of-madam-satan-on-the-series-3 And this podcast, having no beginning, will have no end. The Clive Barker Podcast (or @Barkercast) is an independent editorial fan site and podcast that is not affiliated with or under contract by Clive Barker or Seraphim Films. This...READ MORE...

219: What a Mess!

Thanks for listening and Subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast, on almost every place podcasts are available, and our web site,www.clivebarkercast.com. In this episode, 219, Rob and I go through the News from the ReeF.  There’s a Nightbreed screening with Nicholas Vince, a new Ultimate Cabal Cut trailer, Rawhead Rex news,...READ MORE...

218 : Abarat

Intro Thanks for listening and subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast. The Only Podcast dedicated to the Imagination of Clive Barker. In this episode, 218, Jose, Ryan and Markus are joined by special guest Peggy O’Leary to talk about Clive’s 2002 Young Adult novel, Abarat.  You might remember Peggy O’Leary, the...READ MORE...

217 : That Guy Who Looks Like Silly Putty

Thanks for subscribing and listening to the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. IN this episode, 217, Rob and Markus join Jose and Ryan to break down the Candyman, Hellraiser and Nightbreed News. Plus new stuff from friends of the Show Barbie Wilde...READ MORE...

216 : Commentary – Dark Ditties Presents Finders Keepers

Thanks for listening and subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker.  In this episode, 216, it’s an audio commentary.  Ryan, Rob and Jose are joined by Superfan Lori Markle Bische and writer Gary Smart, to do a commentary for: Episode 3: Dark Ditties...READ MORE...

215 : Happy 29th Birthday Nightbreed!

Thanks for listening and subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast. You can find our show notes, for this and every other episode at www.clivebarkercast.com. In this episode, 215, Rob Ridenour joins Jose and I to talk about Nightbreed and Candyman news, our copies of The Painter, The Creature and the Father of...READ MORE...

214 : Dark Ditties Presents Mrs. Wiltshire

2018, 67 Minutes Directed: Neil Morris and Gary Smart, Written by Neil Morris, Gary SmartWritten by Neil Morris, Gary SmartSimon Bamford: Mrs. WiltshireBruce Jones: Mr. WiltshireStanley Rawlings: Tony Wiltshire Rest in Peace to our very own Doris M.F. Bonham who sadly passed away of heart failure on 2nd January 2018. Doris...READ MORE...

213 : BarkerCast Vs. Leprechaun

Thanks for subscribing and listening to the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. In this episode, 213, Jose and Ryan break down the exciting news from the new Revelatory Interview on clivebarker.info, some new Candyman news, and the new edition of The Painter, The...READ MORE...

212 – Commentary: Dark Ditties Presents The Offer

2017, (2018 on Amazon Prime) 51 Minutes Includes :Jose, Ryan, Rob, Guest Lori Markle Bische of Simon Bamford Fans Dark Ditties Presents The Offer on Amazon PrimeDark Ditties Presents The Offer on IMDB Directed: Chris Griffiths, Gary SmartWritten by Adam Evans (original story), Neil Morris, Gary SmartKenneth Cranham – Maximillian...READ MORE...

211 – Like a Sickly Ghost

Thanks for downloading and subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. In this, episode 211, we go over news from the reef. Gary Tunnicliffe discusses the future of Hellraiser, along with Candyman and Nightbreed news.  Sponsor: Don Bertram’s Celebrate Imagination From...READ MORE...

210 : Commentary – The Last Movie Star

Intro Thanks for listening and subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast. In this episode, 210, we do an audio commentary for The Last Movie Star, which heavily features Clive Barker’s art. Show Notes 2017, Written and Directed by Adam Rifkin 2017, Written and Directed by Adam RifkinOriginally Called Dog YearsBurt...READ MORE...

209 : 2018 in Review

Thanks for subscribing and listening to the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker.  In this episode, 209, we go over our favorite stuff from 2018. All that, plus a Kickstarter update and thanks to our backers and we got a sneak preview of Dark...READ MORE...