

Review: Jump Tribe Book (Subterranean Press)

Edit: I should have remembered this, and thanks to Peter Atkins for reminding me. The 20th Anniversary Hellhound Heart was made by Earthling Press, Not Subterranean Press. I recently received the Jump Tribe book by Subterranean Press (Advance Uncorrected Proof).  The book will be available estimated around July 31, 2025 in...READ MORE...

484 : Quartet of Torment – Hellraiser Bloodline

In Episode 484, Ryan and Jose are joined by writer Peter Atkins to talk about the Quartet of Torment 4K Blu-Ray and Hellraiser Bloodline.    This is the Clive Barker Podcast, where long-time fans Ryan and Jose interview guests, bring you the news, and take deep dives into Barker-related stuff. This...READ MORE...

375 : Clive Barker’s Dark Worlds First Impressions

In episode 375 of the Clive Barker Podcast, Jose and Ryan give their first impression of the new book by Phil and Sarah Stokes, Clive Barker’s Dark Worlds.  That plus some Hellraiser and Nightbreed news, and an update on our own book project.  Sponsor Don Bertram’s Celebrate Imagination Editor’s Note: You’ll hear...READ MORE...

Deeper Than Hell by Joshua Millican

Jose and I were approached with reviewing this book by Joshua Millican, published by Encyclopocalypse. I’ll do my best to do it justice, without giving it away. Deeper Than Hell starts out with a couple of semi-sympathetic transient heroine addicts who are forced by drug dealers to explore deeper into...READ MORE...

Review: Patient K. by Barbie Wilde

The Klingon’s believe that revenge is a dish best served cold. There’s no question that author Barbie Wilde agrees with that statement when it comes to her new short story, Patient K. The first story in Demain Publishing new series called Short Sharp Shocks.  After loosing her left eye in...READ MORE...


Book of Monsters, the follow up to the vastly underrated Lovecraftian horror film The Creature Below, sees writer Paul Butler and director Stewart Sparke take another stab at small-budget, grand-theme horror. This time, however, the duo abandoned the psychological and existential dread that was the driving force of their previous work for something a bit...READ MORE...

BarkerCast Presents: Two Short Stories From Peter Atkins

Reading anything by author Peter Atkins (screenwriter for Hellbound, Hell on Earth, and Bloodline) is always a joy for me. I recently read a couple of his latest short stories and once again Atkins delivers the goods when it comes to his unique style of storytelling. He does an excellent...READ MORE...

Deep From The Vaults #02: Coenobium Magazine

Hello Friends: Are you a Hellraiser fan? Remember COENOBIUM? If you do, great – you have some cool issues, but if you don’t, you missed out on a big part of the Hellraiser fandom that went on for 9+ years in the Hellraiser community!.. COENOBIUM came to life as an...READ MORE...

Book Review: The Venus Complex

I don’t know about many of our listeners, but I look at the world we live in today and can’t help but feel how ugly it’s becoming. With each passing day there’s a heightened anxiety when I walk outside around other people, and I don’t like it. Maybe that’s why...READ MORE...

Imaginer 5 Review

Flesh and the Forbidden; A Marriage of Heaven and Hell An Imaginer V Review “I am a man, and men are animals who tell stories. This is a gift from God, who spoke our species into being, but left the end of our story untold. That mystery is troubling to...READ MORE...

Review: The Hellbound Heart by Bafflegab Productions

Review: The Hellbound Heart by Bafflegab Productions

Like opening Lemarchand’s configuration, I didn’t have a full understanding of what I was getting into.  This is not an audiobook, it’s a full-blown audio drama.  This means that though it is extremely faithful to the story, it is an adaptation by Paul Kane. There is no narration because the...READ MORE...

The Cabal Cut Review

The Cabal Cut Review

Big things always have small beginnings. Little did anyone know that this conversation between podcast co-founder Ryan Danhauser and Nightbreed actors Anne Bobby and Craig Sheffer at the 2012 Mad Monster Party in Charlotte, NC would create horror movie history. AB: And you know what? Honestly, I think one of...READ MORE...