Hello Friends: Today I bring you an amazing soundtrack that was created to score the fine documentary Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II (previously on the Barkercast blog), composed by Lito Velasco (Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy, More Brains! A Return to the Living Dead). This...READ MORE...
Before I begin my review I would like to apologize to Barbie Wilde for posting this so late. It should’ve been done sooner but we got caught up with this year’s Kickstarter Fundraiser. Again my apologies. Now onto the review. As many of you know I love short story compilations...READ MORE...
As many of you know Clive Barker’s work has always contained a high level of eroticism, and his most recent book Tonight Again: Tales of Love, Lust, and Everything in Between is his most sexually frank novel to date. This is a different side of Clive’s writing that I’ve never...READ MORE...
When we made the Kickstarter we thought it would be funny to subject ourselves to some of this corny stuff, but now that we’re doing it, there are times when it gets a little daunting. Yes, this game is not fun, and only recommended for die-hard fans of Nightbreed, and...READ MORE...
If 2014 was the year of Nightbreed, then 2015 has been the year of Hellraiser. First we saw the release of Clive Barker’s The Scarlet Gospels which was a wonderful send off to everyone’s favorite cenobite Pinhead. Then we were given the exhaustive and highly entertaining documentary Leviathan: The Story...READ MORE...
What’s the most disturbing book you’ve ever read? Clive Barker: That’s an easy one. The Bible. Religion has always played a big part in a lot Clive Barker’s work and The Next Testament is probably his most (at least to me) interesting take on the subject matter to date. He...READ MORE...
Paul Kane has become one of my favorite writers of late. I feel ashamed that I’ve come across his written work so late in the game, but like they say there’s no better time than the present. After reading his wonderful short story collection Monsters, I quickly followed that up...READ MORE...
RED Evil takes on many forms. This is something Rachael Daniels, a lowly care worker, is about to find out . . . personally. Because something is roaming the streets of the city where she lives, something with a taste for human blood: sweet, red blood. Something that can be...READ MORE...
To a new world of gods and monsters! To put it simply I’ve always loved monsters. From the first time I saw Boris Karloff in the 1931 classic Universal Studios monster-fest Frankenstein I was hooked and my obsession only grew from there. If anything was related to monsters I had...READ MORE...
This may be a common thought among children, but in the story of Little Red Riding Hood, how did she not know right away that the wolf lying in the bed is not her grandmother? Classically depicted as a wolf in a bonnet, this story makes you wonder if Red...READ MORE...
“If they’ve got the negative you know I’m sure they’ll put it on some Bluray extra sometime somewhere, and then you too will be able to say to everybody,”Yeah it was crap.” – Peter Atkins After watching the deleted ‘Surgeon Scene’ from Hellbound: Hellraiser II I can see why writer Peter Atkins...READ MORE...
I’ve always been fascinated and disturbed by the underground subway train systems. It’s a subterranean world that holds many mysteries, dark secrets, and legends. Clive Barker’s short story, The Midnight Meat Train (from his Books of Blood collection) is a brutal and unflinching look into such a world. What I...READ MORE...
The dead have highways, running through the wasteland behind our lives, bearing an endless traffic of departed souls. They can be heard in the broken places of our world, through cracks made out of cruelty, violence, and depravity. They have sign posts, these highways, and crossroads and intersections. And it...READ MORE...
The first package from The Clive Barker Society is here. Straight from the Century Guild, I just received the ‘Welcome to the Family’, and I know other fans out there have as well. Following is the unboxing video: “Welcome to the Clive Barker Society! Because Clive prefers “enthusiasts” over the...READ MORE...
Hello Friends: This is a quick heads up to let you guys know that the new edition of Clive Barker’s early movies Salomé & The Forbidden was recently released on August 25th, and is now available on Amazon.com. This new release is titled “Clive Barker’s Origins – Salomé and The Forbidden”....READ MORE...