Jose and Ryan finish up the series on rare Clive Barker stories, including Infernal Parade, Jump Tribe, “Haekel’s Tale” and “They’re Mad, They are.” (more…)
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The @Barkercast would like to wish all our listeners Happy Holidays and a great 2013! Thanks for listening.
Ryan Danhauser and Jose Leitao talk about rare short stories again. Animal Life (1994) (Dark Terrors 2) Story with no Title, A Street with No Name (1995) Chilead, A Meditation Part 1 Men and Sin (1997) [Revelations / Millenium] Chilead, A Meditation Part 2 A Moment at the River’s...READ MORE...
Jose and Ryan talk about Rare Clive Barker Stories, “Lost Souls”, “Coming to Grief”, “Whose Line is it Anyway”, “The Departed / Hermione and the Moon”, “On Amen’s Shore”and “Pidgin and Theresa”. (more…)
Barbie Wilde (Female Cenobite in Hellraiser II) talks with Ryan and Jose about her new novel, The Venus Complex, and we talk about serial killers, Hellraiser, Followers of the Pandorics, mimes and Grizzly Bears. Check it out! (more…)
Occupy Midian On Location: Weekend of Horrors Germany. Deadline Magazine, Germany. Thanks to Kay Pinno for letting us use the audio from this interview with Russell Cherrington. (more…)
Jose and Ryan have a long conversation with Nicholas Vince about his new book of short stories: What Monsters Do. We talk about what he is working on in the future, and a little about screenings of the Nightbreed Cabal Cut. (Links to buy the book on his site). (more…)
Jose and Ryan talk about Rare Clive Barker comics: Primal, Night of the Living Dead London and Seduth, plus more. See below for show notes. (more…)
Peter and Phil, the good people from the Hellraiser Podcast interview us, Jose, Ryan and Crystal Raen about Occupy Midian and the Cabal Cut of Nightbreed. We talk about lots of other stuff too. web iTunes (Leave a review!) Facebook and Join the Occupy Midian group Twitter: @BarkerCast ...READ MORE...
Special thanks to Rebecca Kilfoyle for providing us this! Intro and Q/A for the Manchester screening on Clive Barker’s 60th Birthday.
Jose and Ryan talk about Clive Barker’s first published novel, The Damnation Game. Show notes after the break. (more…)
Jose and Ryan discuss news and listener feedback, and how the dog ate their homework. There’s a little Blade Runner and Total Recall in there too. Click the link for Show notes. (more…)
Phil and Peter from were kind enough to provide us the audio footage from the Empire Cinema Screening of Nightbreed the Cabal Cut–specifically the introduction and the Q & A Session afterward.
Guest Christian Francis, Jose Leitao and Ryan Danhauser talk about the Cabal Cut of Nightbreed and the screening in Cherry Hill New Jersey 8/17/12 at the Monster Mania Convention. Continue on for Show Notes. (more…)
Jose Leitao and Ryan Danhauser continue to discuss movies that never were–the unfilmed version of Hellraiser III, Lord of Illusions Prequel “The Great Unknown”; Tortured Souls, Demonik, American Horror, and Eden USA. Show Notes to follow. Also included is the Occupy Midian Report #8 with Crystal Raen. (more…)