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181 : Marvel Hellraiser Part 5

Thanks for listening to the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. This is episode 181, where we finally come back to the Marvel / Epic Hellraiser comics, books 14, 15, 16.  (sort of…) Sponsor Don Bertram’s Celebrate Imagination The Correct pronunciation of Abaddon....READ MORE...

Ebook and Paperback Editions of The Body Book Announced

Dark Regions Press is planning on releasing their out of print edition of Clive Barker’s The Body Book in new ebook and paperback editions! The book includes two popular stories from Clive Barker’s Books of Blood collections, “The Body Politic” and “In the Flesh.” The previous version was loaded with...READ MORE...

Clive Barker Announced for Days of the Dead Chicago 2018

Days of the Dead‘s the Facebook page just announced Clive Barker will attend this year’s event, November 16th-18th @ the Chicago Schaumburg Marriott. Plan your calendars accordingly. We’ll stay tuned and see how this evolves. Similarly to what happened with Texas Frightmare Weekend, Clive will also be designing an original...READ MORE...

180 : Duels of Blood Final Results!

Thanks again for subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker.  This is Episode 180, where we dive into the final results of the Duels  of Blood competition, and catch up on the Clive Barker news as well. Sponsor: Horror Marketplace Clive...READ MORE...

Christopher Young Returns for Tales From the Hood 2

The horror site Dread Central is reporting that Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II composer Christopher Young is returning to score the opening of the upcoming sequel Tales from the Hood 2! The film’s original director Rusty Cundieff tweeted last week: I’m a huge fan of the original’s score! Young does...READ MORE...

Leviathan Documentary is available on Shudder

2015’s Hellraiser Documentary, Leviathan, The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound, Hellraiser II is now available on Shudder.  What’s there appears to be half of the Producer’s Cut of the documentary. Specifically, the half that relates to Hellraiser.  This version is dubbed “Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser Part 1”. Upon its...READ MORE...

Hellraiser Judgement Props For Sale

Fans of Hellraiser Judgement with a little money to spend will be excited to know that props from the 10th film in the franchise will be available for sale at Propstore Auction web site. The Auction will take place June 4th through 15th. You can listen to our interview episode...READ MORE...

179 : Hellraiser Cast Interview (Pre TFW)

We’re very proud of this interview, thanks to Little Spark Films, Barbie Wilde, Simon Bamford, Nicholas Vince and Paul T. Taylor for taking the time to come talk to us.  We talk Hellraiser nostalgia and catch up with our friends of the show and Cenobite actors to see what they’re...READ MORE...

Imaginer 5 Review

Flesh and the Forbidden; A Marriage of Heaven and Hell An Imaginer V Review “I am a man, and men are animals who tell stories. This is a gift from God, who spoke our species into being, but left the end of our story untold. That mystery is troubling to...READ MORE...

Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week

To celebrate the announcement of the impending 4K release of the original Candyman on bluray by Arrow Video, I thought I’d do a Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week from the movie. I’ve chosen the haunting scene where Professor Philip Purcell recounts the story of how Daniel Robitaille becomes...READ MORE...

178 : Hellraiser Bloodline with Kevin Yagher

Thank you for joining us at the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. This is episode 178, Hellraiser Bloodline with Kevin Yagher. In this interview, Rob and Jose talk about the troubled production of Hellraiser Bloodline, as well as his many other projects!...READ MORE...

Original Clive Barker Artwork for Sale

At the site Horror Marketplace they’re selling original Clive Barker artwork from Russel Cherrington (Cabal Cut director) who’s trying to get a movie off the ground with the money that’s made from the potential sales. I’m really digging all of these pieces, especially the painting of Ecktokid. There’s also paintings from...READ MORE...