Thanks for joining us for episode 450 of Clive Barker Podcast. The only Podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. Today we’ve got Clive Barker convention appearance news, some book releases and at the end we debate what you need to read before the Scarlet Gospels. Sponsor : Don Bertram’s Celebrate...READ MORE...
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For our Patreon Subscribers, I’ve added audio to this Keynote file for a presentation I gave to the Sunrisers Rotary Club about podcasting on May 24, 2024. This talks about the ins and outs of podcasting, ad my opinion and advice if you want to do your own podcast. I...READ MORE...
Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 23 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion. Still recovering from being dead or unconscious, the squad are in a race to retrieve Cassius’ body before the enemy does,...READ MORE...
Thanks for joining us in the Clive Barker podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. In episode 448, We Ryan is joined by Lori, Catalina and Joe to recap and do a Q&A game show for experience points. How much will the players remember about our Dungeons and...READ MORE...
Thanks for listening to the Clive Barker podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. Coming up next on episode 447, We get back to the Boom Studios Hellraiser comics with the Dark Watch 1-4, plus in the last half we review disc 1 of the new Arrow...READ MORE...
In Episode 446 we finally get to do an audio commentary for The Dead Pit with Ed and Nina Martinez. This was one of our Kickstarter stretch goals from 2022, and fits nicely with Z For Zombie in our A-Z commentaries series. Friend of the show, Ed Martinez was the Special Effects...READ MORE...
Thanks for joining us for episode 445 of Clive Barker Podcast. The only Podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. We’ve got Nightbreed soundtrack news, Hellraiser interview book news, and you can get some orignal Nightbreed polaroids taken on set of the various breed! Sponsor : Don Bertram’s Celebrate Imagination | ETSY Store Don...READ MORE...
Happy Easter everyone! No episode this week, but we did just finish this book promo video. What do you think? I’m hoping now that we’ve shipped out all the copies to the Kickstarter pre-order backers, Now we hope to reach more Barker fans. Let us know what you think. web MORE...
Thanks for joining us for episode 444 of Clive Barker Podcast. The only Podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. Ryan is back at his home setup, and we’ve got some updated convention appearance news, we talk about the Phantasmagoria Hellraiser interview book, and a discussion topic, are foreign...READ MORE...
In 2014 we were invited to the premier screening of Nightbreed, The Director’s Cut at the Crest Westwood in Los Angeles. It was an amazing time! This is our featured exclusive video for this week!
Special thanks to our first member of the Order of the Gash, David Anderson! We’re on our way to covering expenses and keeping the podcast going this year. Thanks David!
Putting together a promo video for our new book, The BarkerCast Interviews: Occupy Midian. Anyone that has one, and you don’t mind being in the promo, can you take a picture with your book?
Welcome to Episode 443 of the Clive Barker Podcast. The Only Podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. I was going to take a vacation, but this news popped up, and it couldn’t wait two weeks, so we hopped on Zoom and made a mostly un-edited news episode. In this episode we...READ MORE...
Thanks for listening to the Clive Barker podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. Coming up next on episode 442, We get back to the Boom Studios Hellraiser comics with the Annual #1 and the issues 17-20 (Blood Communion). Sponsor : Don Bertram’s Celebrate Imagination | ETSY Store Recently Don...READ MORE...
In Episode 441 of the Clive Barker Podcast, do we get a little over our heads with acedemic discourse of Clive Barker? It’s possible but we love it. We talk to Dr Sorcha Ni Fhlainn and Karmel Knipparth of Manchester Metropolitan University about Clive Barker in a gothic context, and the...READ MORE...