DEATH WALTZ records are gearing up for preorders available this Wednesday on two new versions of Christopher Young’s iconic soundtrack to HELLRAISER. Beginning Wednesday at noon (CT), you be able to preorder either the deluxe LP version with new artwork from Matt Ryan Tobin and/or the 7″ Configuration Box...READ MORE...
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Hello Everyone, There’s going to be another Hellraiser 35mm screening coming to Shelby theater in Bournemouth, England on March 10th, 2018 with Nicolas Vince in attendance with a Q & A afterwards. It’s always good to see actors interacting with the fans. Here’s the official press release from their site: HELLRAISER...READ MORE...
Thanks for joinging us again on the Clive Barker Podcast. The only Podcast dedicated to the works and worlds of Clive Barker. This is episode 154 where we catch up with the news and talk about our copies of Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut. Show Notes Clive Barker News Paul T....READ MORE...
Today’s Clive Barker‘s Birthday! Born in 1952 in Liverpool, Merseyside, Clive grew up creating stories for his toys, making little movies with them and repainting the wallpaper with watercolors when things went wrong with the monster spitting fire at the plastic men. He was entertained by the spooky tales his...READ MORE...
Disclaimer: I tried my best to limit the plot elements to what’s mentioned in the Subterranean Press’ synopsis, but there may be minor spoilers during this advance review. Mark Miller brings us a new Hellraiser novella, based on a short story Clive Barker had partially written that kept bouncing around...READ MORE...
Hello Everyone, With Ryan’s recent review of Hellraiser: The Toll, I wanted to share a piece of art by Ben Baldwin that’s going to be appearing in the upcoming Italian limited edition of Clive Barker’s The Scarlet Gospels which is set for release this month. It’s titled “Monastero dei Cenobiti”...READ MORE...
Thanks for listing to the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the works and worlds of Clive Barker. This is episode 153, Clive Barker’s Nightbreed (Epic Part 2) where David, Jose and I (Ryan) talk about the Marvel / Epic run of Nightbreed comics, Issues 7-12. Show Notes...READ MORE...
Clive Barker fans know, and hopefully have made peace with the fact the he will never follow every thread, write every sequel or even finish every book or story he’s begun. Thankfully, we have Mark Miller and his awesome team at Seraphim Films / Seraphim Ink, to help us fill...READ MORE...
Did you know Saturday, September 30th is International Podcast Day? So we’re a Podcast first, a blog second, and then a presence on Social Media, and we want to put out something special for our listeners. Were you wanting the Cabal Cut for $50 but your fingers weren’t fast enough? ...READ MORE...
Hello Friends: Today’s heads up is for yet another Hellraiser screening in the wake of its 30th anniversary, this time at the NFT1 auditorium of the British Film Institute (BFI) this upcoming Halloween, October 31st! Hellraiser (30th Anniversary screening) + Q&A with producer Christopher Figg A Chinese puzzle box opens a...READ MORE...
On this Collector’s Corner we have a pretty impressive cast-signed poster that belongs to Danny Stewart‘s Hellraiser collection. He was a backer/co-executive producer for the LEVIATHAN Documentary, and lives just outside London. He’s acted in a few short films and one of his latest characters was as “the Gimp”...READ MORE...
If you own a copy of Clive Barker: The Art of Horror, you’re in luck. If you don’t, (it’s a pretty rare VHS documentary) you’re in luck too! The SeraphimInc Channel on YouTube has a lot of content you can watch, featuring Clive Barker in all sorts of documentaries and TV...READ MORE...
Hello Everyone, There’s a new interview with Paul T. Taylor over at the site TrunkSpace where he continues to talk about Hellraiser: Judgement and the possibility of more films in the series. A lot of the interview covers familiar terriority, but I did find it refreshing that the filmmakers used...READ MORE...
Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast dedicated to the works and worlds of Clive Barker. This is episode 152, a news episode. We talk about the Cabal Cut (almost sold out) Hellraiser The Toll, A recent interview with Clive Barker, Imaginer 5, conventions and all kinds of...READ MORE...
Hello Friends: It’s finally here! It was another day of 100 degree temperatures in Arizona, and I was celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Hellraiser, reading stuff and watching clips from The Scarlet Box, when I heard a knock at the door. There was no one there when I opened it, all...READ MORE...