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Winners Announced in the Wicked Horror Scarlet Gospels Giveaway!!!

Over at the site Wicked Horror they were holding a Scarlet Gospels Giveaway package until the novel’s worldwide release and today they’ve just announced the Grand Prize winner Carlos Garcia! He received a hardback copy of The Scarlet Gospels, a Lemarchand Box, and a poster of Clive Barker’s Pinhead artwork. That’s...READ MORE...

From Dusk Till Dawn Screenplay Foreward by Clive Barker…

Here’s an interesting find I came across while looking through some old books to sell at a local flea market. I’d totally forgtotten that Clive had written a very nice forward to this softcover screenplay edition of From Dusk Till Dawn written by popular cult filmmaker Quentin Tarantino. I thought...READ MORE...

Scarlet Gospels Red-Edge Page Editions…

A member of the Podcast had brought this to my attention the other day and I’d never noticed it until they’d brought it up. Apparently, Pac Macmillan has snuck in 1000 copies of these special red-edge page editions of The Scarlet Gospels in the branches of Waterstones in the UK!...READ MORE...

My Farewell to Pinhead…

Soon I’m going to starting a Retro Review series of the first four Hellraiser films, but before I do that I wanted to write a farewell letter to my favorite lead Cenobite Pinhead who’s being sent off in style by his maker Clive Barker in the highly anticipated novel The...READ MORE...

Episode 96 : Book of Blood Motion Comic (Madefire)

Rob, Jose and Ryan talk about the Book of Blood Madefire motion comic, Clive Barker news and we draw a winner for Derek Neal’s Hellraiser Puzzlebox. The dead have highways.  They run, unerring lines of ghost-trains, of dream carriages, across the wasteland behind our lives, bearing an endless traffic of...READ MORE...

In anticipation for The Scarlet Gospels!!!

As I write this we’re two weeks away from the worldwide release of The Scarlet Gospels! Like many of you, I’ve been waiting for this book for over two decades and I’m sure it will not disappoint. Most of the early reviews have been very positive and that’s always a...READ MORE...

Clive Barker’s Favorite Books on Good vs Evil…

With the impending release of The Scarlet Gospels coming up the site Good Reads asked Clive Barker to share his favorite books on the theme of good vs evil. It’s a great list and I’ve read three of them. I still need to read Moby Dick and The Bible. But...READ MORE...

Original Clive Barker Drawings for Sale!!!

Over at the official Century Guild Facebook page they shared some news that some of Clive Barker’s drawings are up for sale on Ebay! All of them signed by Barker himself! So go check it out in the link below:

Clive Barker’s Creepy Pasta

Over at Variety they’re reporting another new Clive Barker TV series called Creepy Pasta is on the way from Machinima, the Warner Bros.-backed digital media company. Here’s what they had to say about the project: Clive Barker’s “Creepy Pasta”: In this live-action series, Barker enters the world of Internet horror fan fiction, affectionately...READ MORE...

Memory, Prophecy, and Fantasy copies are running LOW!!!

Over at Clive Barker’s official Facebook page they’ve revealed that copies of Memory, Prophecy, and Fantasy are getting slim. Here’s what they had to say: It’s come to our attention that these limited edition books exploring Clive’s early years in great detail have a handful of copies still available. These...READ MORE...

Scarlet Gospels Poster Competition!!!

Over at the Revelations Facebook page they’re reported that writer Paul Kane is holding a poster competition on his Shadow Writer website. He’s offering two lucky winners the opportunity to win a limited edition Scarlet Gospels poster of Pinhead by Clive Barker that were apparently made exclusively for last year’s San...READ MORE...

The Entwined to Shoot this Summer!!!

Over at the horror site iHorror they released some news that the upcoming Clive Barker produced movie The Entwined will begin shooting this summer in Covington, Georgia this May. The Entwined will be directed by industry veteran Robert Hollocks who will be making his directorial debut after years of producing and writing...READ MORE...