Tag Archives: 4

347 : Bright Eyes and The Voice On the High Seas in 4K

Thank you for listening to the BarkerCast, the one and only  Clive Barker Podcast. In Episode 347 Jose and Ryan go over the final Duels of Blood results. Did you vote? We also dig into Convention and screening news as well as some topics suggested by Reddit.   Sponsor Don Bertram’s Celebrate Imagination//play.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/23041592/height/192/theme/modern/size/large/thumbnail/yes/custom-color/070707/time-start/00:00:00/playlist-height/200/direction/backward...READ MORE...

256 : Clive Barker Imaginer 4

Thanks for listening and subscribing to Episode 256 of the Clive Barker Podcast. In this episode, Joes and Ryan are joined once again by Markus to return to the Imaginer art book series with Clive Barker Imaginer 4.  Clive Barker Imaginer 4 Discussion Show Notes Interview with Clive Barker on...READ MORE...

178 : Hellraiser Bloodline with Kevin Yagher

Thank you for joining us at the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. This is episode 178, Hellraiser Bloodline with Kevin Yagher. In this interview, Rob and Jose talk about the troubled production of Hellraiser Bloodline, as well as his many other projects!...READ MORE...

Episode 40 : Hellraiser (4) Bloodline

Jose and Ryan are joined by guests Jonathan Kui, Max Lichtor and Mark Buckle to talk about Hellraiser 4: Bloodline. This talk got so long we broke it in to 2 parts, so here’s the second part.  Hit the link for the show notes. (more…)