In Episode 484, Ryan and Jose are joined by writer Peter Atkins to talk about the Quartet of Torment 4K Blu-Ray and Hellraiser Bloodline. This is the Clive Barker Podcast, where long-time fans Ryan and Jose interview guests, bring you the news, and take deep dives into Barker-related stuff. This...READ MORE...
Tag Archives: Arrow
In the Clive Barker Podcast, long-time fans Ryan and Jose interview guests, bring you the news, and take deep dives into Barker-related stuff. In Episode 462, we pull out disc 3 of the Hellraiser Quartet of Torment by Arrow and revisit Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth. Plus we have some Clive...READ MORE...
Thanks for listening to the Clive Barker podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. Coming up next on episode 447, We get back to the Boom Studios Hellraiser comics with the Dark Watch 1-4, plus in the last half we review disc 1 of the new Arrow...READ MORE...
Thanks for listening and subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast. In this episode, 250! Ryan and Jose are joined by David and Markus to discuss the new Candymn teasers, trialer and poster art. Plus Ryan just got back from his booth at Alaska Comicon and the final Imaginer 8 is...READ MORE...
The last Friday of every month brings us more announcements on upcoming blu-ray releases from Arrow Video. Today, Arrow announced the UK only release of Rawhead Rex. This is a 4K restoration with all the same features as the US release from Kino Lorber. With artwork being the only difference...READ MORE...
Thanks for joining us again at the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast dedicated to the works and worlds of Clive Barker. This is episode 150, and boy do we have a lot of catching up to do. Episode 150 Is all about Clive Barker’s Next Testament, which is written...READ MORE...
Hello Friends: We’ve mentioned this before in the podcast, that the Scarlet Box was coming, thanks to an early e-mail tip from an old friend back in July, and we’ve been sharing update posts on our Facebook page, but now here is the confirmation post from Arrow, for our listeners...READ MORE...
Hello Friends: Today on the @Barkercast we have the great pleasure to have with us as a very special guest: he rocked out with the band Chase as composer, musician and singer, he’s the screenwriter of Hellraiser 2,3,4 and Wishmaster, as well as comics and TV, author of books like...READ MORE...
Hello Friends: Arrow’s Facebook page just released the specs for the Scarlet Box! Here they are: ***HELLRAISER FULL SPECS + ARTWORK REVEAL*** The time has come! We are very pleased to finally unleash the final specs and full box art for Hellraiser: The Scarlet Box! Check out the full specs below...READ MORE...