Tag Archives: Art

Clive Barker Original Sketches Now on Sale

For fans of Clive Barker’s artwork you’ll be happy to know that he’s chosen a selection of twenty-one pieces to be sold through The Clive Barker Archive. The press release states that “these studio sketches offer a direct insight into Clive’s development of characters for Abarat, Deep Hill and other...READ MORE...

200 : There Should Be Cake!

Thanks for listening and subscribing to 200 episodes of the Clive Barker Podcast! That’s right, 200 episodes, and to celebrate we bugged as many friends of the podcast, past guests and listeners as we could.  Do you hear your voice in here?  We’ve come a long way since our humble...READ MORE...

199 : Hold on to Your Hats

Thanks for listening and subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast — the only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. This is a news episode, with Jose, myself and Markus going over the laters from the reef, including signed Abarat posters for sale, some awards for Dark Ditties, more...READ MORE...

195 :Special Low-Low Price!

Thanks for joining us at the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. In this, episode 195, Jose and go over the Clive Barker news from the reef. What does Tony Todd think of the Candyman rumor? There’s a new art exhibition and Dark...READ MORE...

Clive Barker Art Cover Notebooks on Sale

The Clive Barker Archive is having a huge sale on all of their Clive Barker Art Notebooks. Individually, each one is $4 plus shipping or you can buy a nine notebook bundle set for for $30 plus shipping. I personally would go for the bundle set so I could own...READ MORE...

Imaginer 5 Review

Flesh and the Forbidden; A Marriage of Heaven and Hell An Imaginer V Review “I am a man, and men are animals who tell stories. This is a gift from God, who spoke our species into being, but left the end of our story untold. That mystery is troubling to...READ MORE...

Final Days to Preorder Imaginer 5

There are only a few days left to purchase the fifth volume of the Imaginer series for special preorder prices. After Sunday, April 1st, the newest volume of this art-book series by Clive Barker archivists Phil and Sarah Stokes, will bump up in price. The description of this fifth volume...READ MORE...

Exclusive: The Last Movie Star to Feature Clive Barker’s Art

A recent film, The Last Movie Star, written and directed by Adam Rifkin and starring Burt Reynolds features recent artwork by Clive Barker.  Barker fans can see of they can spot the artwork by artist character “Lil” is actually Clive’s art.  There’s a jacket with a painting on the back, as well...READ MORE...

164 : Clive Barker The Art of Horror

Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast! The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. This is episode 164, where we get into Clive Barker an Hellraiser news, including Hellraiser Judgement, Jose, David, Rob and Ryan talk about our Kickstarter and what cool things are left to buy, and...READ MORE...

Clive Barker Store Merch Halloween Extravaganza!

Hello Friends: The good people at Seraphim sent us here at the @BarkerCast some preview images of merchandise about to drop on the RealCliveBarker.com Store! It’s a lot of stuff that caters to all fans, an extremely diversified basket of collectible goodies that will also make for some really cool...READ MORE...

Daniele Serra’s NIGHTBREED Art!

Hello Friends: As you know and we’ve been reporting, the Cabal Cut region 0 package is coming out soon, and it’s going to  feature a lot of goodies. You can read about this package here, on Ryan’s post from 5 days ago: [Exclusive] Nightbreed The Cabal Cut Blu-Ray Release Update...READ MORE...

Pick Up the New Heavy Metal Magazine

If you want to see an exclusive interview with Clive Barker, an art gallery, and a comic adaptation of Clive’s painting “lighting the way” written by Mark Miller, Christian Francis and Ben Meares.  These can be found on the current issue 286. You can find Heavy Metal’s 14-Page Preview here...READ MORE...