Tag Archives: autographed

New Stock in the Clive Barker Store

Image above is a slide show. Click a photo to advance. Head over to the Clive Barker Store: www.realclivebarker.com and you can get their totally in-house Hellraiser comic anthology.  Digital Download, signed and standard editions are available. There’s also Hellraiser anthology T-shirts, pinhead prints, perfume oil sets, shoal coins, skull...READ MORE...

Collector’s Corner: Autographed Nightbreed Blu-Ray

Hello Friends: This Friday’s spotlight on Collector’s Corner is about the release of the Director’s Cut of Clive Barker’s Nightbreed. Being an Occupy Midian founder, I was rewarded by discovering 8’500 new friends around the world, who share the same fascination about this movie that I do. Some people were...READ MORE...