Tag Archives: Books of Blood

213 : BarkerCast Vs. Leprechaun

Thanks for subscribing and listening to the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. In this episode, 213, Jose and Ryan break down the exciting news from the new Revelatory Interview on clivebarker.info, some new Candyman news, and the new edition of The Painter, The...READ MORE...

News From The Reef Digest January 2019 Edition

News from the Reef audio digest. New Candyman Script Has Been Written Paul Kane’s Hellraisers Available on Kindle The Dark Art of Clive Barker Lecture / Discussion Gary Tunnicliffe Discusses the Hellraiser Franchise and Horror. Rare Depiction of Candyman Revealed Nightbreed now streaming on IMDB Freedrive Small Update on Nightbreed TV series Tony Todd is coming to...READ MORE...

Books of Blood TV Series is Real!

Back in July, 2018 we reluctantly reported on a mysterious blog post from Bleeding Cool (the link is now dead) that Clive Barker / Brannon Braga and Seth McFarlane would be collaborating on a TV series on Hulu. I say reluctantly, because the article was very short and had no...READ MORE...

Clive Barker’s Deep Hill

There’s a new Revelatory interview at the Revelations website, where Clive announces some pretty enthusiastic news! He’s not only working on a new book Deep Hill (previously Scarebaby), but he talks about his life, how he’s still recovering every day from the Toxic Shock that sent him into a coma...READ MORE...

188 : I Hear You’re Looking for Candyman B*tch

Thanks for listening to the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. We hope you have subscribed and rated us!  In this, episode 188 Jose and Ryan discuss all the latest news from the Reef  – including Halloween mask, the new Candyman release, a...READ MORE...

“Books of Blood” TV Show Coming?

According to the site Bleeding Cool, comic actor Seth MacFarlene and writer Brannon Braga (of Star Trek fame) are working together to bring Clive Barker’s famous short story collection Books of Blood to the small screen as a anthology series for Hulu. I’ll admit that’s a strange team to be...READ MORE...

Ebook and Paperback Editions of The Body Book Announced

Dark Regions Press is planning on releasing their out of print edition of Clive Barker’s The Body Book in new ebook and paperback editions! The book includes two popular stories from Clive Barker’s Books of Blood collections, “The Body Politic” and “In the Flesh.” The previous version was loaded with...READ MORE...

Rawhead Rex Coming to Prime Video in the UK

Arrow Video will be releasing the cult classic Rawhead Rex to UK Amazon Prime streaming services in July. This is the same 4K restoration presentation that Kino Lorber released this past year. Checkout it in the trailer below: While I’m not much of a fan of the film itself, the...READ MORE...

All Aboard The Midnight Meat Train!

Clive Barker’s short story “The Midnight Meat Train”, from his horror anthology the Books of Blood: Volume One, has received a brand new incarnation/adaption—this time in the form of an audio reading. Created from a collaboration between Rue-Morgue and HorrorBabble, and in association with Clive Barker himself, comes this brand new...READ MORE...

Happy Birthday Clive Barker!!!

Today’s Clive Barker‘s Birthday! Born in 1952 in Liverpool, Merseyside, Clive grew up creating stories for his toys, making little movies with them and repainting the wallpaper with watercolors when things went wrong with the monster spitting fire at the plastic men. He was entertained by the spooky tales his...READ MORE...

Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week

Hello Everyone, On this week’s edition of Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week, we’re taking a ride on The Midnight Meat Train, a movie which I believe is one of the better film adaptations from Clive’s famous short story collections, The Books of Blood. Unlike films such as Dread...READ MORE...

Hell’s Event to Be a Part of a New Short Story Collection

Hello Everyone, A new short story collection called Below the Stairs: Tales from the Cellar is coming out and will feature Clive Barker’s Books of Blood story Hell’s Event. Friend of the Podcast and editor Steve Dillon is putting the book together which will also feature stories from such classic horror authors like...READ MORE...

Rawhead Rex 4K Restoration by Kino Lorber

Hello Friends: It seems Rawhead Rex is getting a new 4K restoration! Kino Lorber Studio Classics just announced that Rawhead Rex will be coming out this Fall in time for Halloween, on “Special Edition” DVD and Blu-ray. Personally, I think this is a less than stellar adaptation of a Clive Barker script,...READ MORE...

Clive Barker’s Midnight Meat Train Series

In the mood for some serious meat by Clive Barker? The Tell Tale Heart Inaugural Group Art Show and Grand Opening will be premiering a series of original oil paintings inspired by his famous Books of Blood short story The Midnight Meat Train. Other well known artists such as Hellboy creator...READ MORE...