Tag Archives: Clive Barker

481 : Book Club of Blood – Sex, Death and Starshine

In Episode 481, Ryan and Jose return to the Book Club of Blood, for the 5th story; Sex, Death and Starshine. Plus we have a little bit of Barker movie release news, and there’s a new Clive Barker interview.  This is the Clive Barker Podcast, where long-time fans Ryan and...READ MORE...

480 : Roy Robbins of Bad Moon Books

 In Episode 480, Ryan and Jose chat with Roy Robbins of Bad Moon books about being a book collector and publisher of Clive’s “The Adventures of Maximillian Bacchus and His Travelling Circus.” In the Clive Barker Podcast, long-time fans Ryan and Jose interview guests, bring you the news, and take...READ MORE...

477 : Brandon Seifert

In the Clive Barker Podcast, long-time fans Ryan and Jose interview guests, bring you the news, and take deep dives into Barker-related stuff.  In Episode 477, Ryan and Jose are joined by Comic Writer Brandon Seifert to talk Hellraiser comics, Witch Doctor, Godzilla, The Fly and we comiserate a little about...READ MORE...

476 : JS77 C1E27 ‘Lost in the Mists’

Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 27 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion.  Following the Race against Hell, the squad investigates and finally gets a glimpse of the horror that is the Heart of...READ MORE...

475 : Book Club of Blood 3 – The Yattering and Jack

In the Clive Barker Podcast, long-time fans Ryan and Jose interview guests, bring you the news, and take deep dives into Barker-related stuff.  In Episode 475, Ryan and Jose are joined by Joe Manco from Little Spark Films for Book Club of Blood part 3, the Yattering and Jack. Just in...READ MORE...

472 : Commentary – Roh (Hellraiser Ripoff)

In the Clive Barker Podcast, long-time fans Ryan and Jose interview guests, bring you the news, and take deep dives into Barker-related stuff.  In Episode 472, We are joined by Joe Manco of Little Spark films to do an audio commentary on the 1989 Indonesian Hellraiser ripoff called “Roh”,  Commentary: Roh 1989,...READ MORE...

467 :  A Podcast With Two Titles, An Episode With No Name

In the Clive Barker Podcast, long-time fans Ryan and Jose interview guests, bring you the news, and take deep dives into Barker-related stuff.  In Episode 467, We talk about some obscure release news and rumors, Jose found some old archival interviews, and we celebrate Clive’s Birthday.  Sponsor : Don Bertram’s Celebrate Imagination | Pinterest | ETSY...READ MORE...

466 : JS77 – C1E25 ‘Hell’s Event Part 1’

Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 25 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion.  Hearing news about a mysterious race against the Hells with the leadership of squad 77 on the line, the team Investigates...READ MORE...

460 : JS77 – C1E24 ‘The Spy’

Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 24 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion.  As the squad searches the ghost town of Dearther City, they soon discover that they are being watched.  During the Break...READ MORE...

Don Bertram – The Bug Brothers and Hellraiser 35th Anniversary

Billy and Bobby The Bug Brothers By Don Bertram for the Clive Barker Podcast. (Featured Video) Don Bertram tells the story of acquiring the original painting, “The Bug Boys” and his interactions with Clive Barker about it, and Abarat. Hellraiser 35th Anniversary Introduction by Don Bertram – Ian Swanson was...READ MORE...

450 : Clive is Coming to Spooky Empire (News)

Thanks for joining us for episode 450 of Clive Barker Podcast. The only Podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker.  Today we’ve got Clive Barker convention appearance news, some book releases and at the end we debate what you need to read before the Scarlet Gospels.  Sponsor : Don Bertram’s Celebrate...READ MORE...

449 : JS77 C1E23 ‘Household Dangers’

Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 23 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion.  Still recovering from being dead or unconscious, the squad are in a race to retrieve Cassius’ body before the enemy does,...READ MORE...

433 : JS77 C1E22 – The Other Side

Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 22 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion.  The Squad’s attempt to battle the minor sea deity Emmett the Crab went awry, and now we join them, dead and/or...READ MORE...

427 : JS77 C1E21 ‘Emmett the Crab’

Thanks for listening to episode 427 of the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 21 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion. Squad 77 faces their deadliest battle yet, to clear their name and rid the 4th Dominion...READ MORE...

419 : Commentary Classics – Haeckel’s Tale

Edit, we’re bringing back this commentary classic from 2017 while we continue to finalize the book and Jose is moving. Our first commentary of 2017, Masters of Horror: Haeckel’s Tale, written by Mick Garris, adapted from Clive Barker’s short story. Show Notes http://www.clivebarker.info/haeckeltv.html http://www.clivebarker.info/haeckelbarker.html http://www.clivebarker.info/newsdarkdel.html Pictures/Stills: http://www.kino.de/film/masters-of-horror-1.12-haeckel-s-tale-2006/# https://www.revolvy.com/main/index.php?s=Ernst%20Haeckel&item_type=topic Script – Masters_of_Horror_1x12_-_Haeckel_s_Tale...READ MORE...