Tag Archives: Encyclopocalypse

Deeper Than Hell by Joshua Millican

Jose and I were approached with reviewing this book by Joshua Millican, published by Encyclopocalypse. I’ll do my best to do it justice, without giving it away. Deeper Than Hell starts out with a couple of semi-sympathetic transient heroine addicts who are forced by drug dealers to explore deeper into...READ MORE...

304 : The Shriek (News)

 this is the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast deicated to the imagination of Clive Barker. In Episode 304 Jose and Ryan cover Clive’s Announcements from our own episode 300 and from his chat with Mich Garris on Postmortem podcast, new artwork for sale and Lament Configuration beer! Sponsor Don Bretram’s...READ MORE...

290 : 60 Experience Points!

Thanks for listening to the Clive Barker Podcast. Please subscribe anywhere you can find audio, so you never miss an episode. In Episode 290, Jose and Ryan go over some Paul Kane book and movie news, and you can help Barbie Wilde and Simon Bamford raise money for a worthy...READ MORE...