Tag Archives: Feature

Clive Barker’s Podcast Scene of the Week

Hello Everyone, For this edition of Clive Barker’s Podcast Scene of the Week, I wanted to pay tribute to the original box creator Simon Sayce who sadly passed away after a long battle with cancer. He had such a passion for life that went beyond his work. I didn’t know him...READ MORE...

Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week

Hello Everyone, For this week’s edition of Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week, I’m still hanging out in Midian with the Breed. There’s so much to love about this movie which makes it hard to walk away from. I really dig the mythology Barker created for this universe and...READ MORE...

5 Essentials For Clive Barker Newbs

Clive’s Five: The Clive Barker Conversion Kit Have you ever had that disappointing conversation with someone, where you’re so excited to talk about Clive Barker, only to find out they don’t know who he is? You try to go back to a common denominator, “You know the movie Hellraiser? The...READ MORE...

Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week

Hello Everyone, For this week’s edition of Clive Barker’s Podcast Scene of the Week, I’m paying tribute to my favorite Nightbreed character Peloquin. I don’t know if it was the brilliant makeup design by Image Animation, Oliver Parker’s exceptional performance, or how cool I thought it was the first time...READ MORE...

Clive Barker’s Podcast Scene of the Week

Hello Everyone, For this week’s edition of Clive Barker’s Podcast Scene of the Week, I decided to venture into the world of occult detective Harry D’Amour and Clive Barker’s ultra-creep fest Lord of Illusions, which is loosely based off his wonderful short story, The Last Illusion. It’s not his best...READ MORE...

Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week

Hello Everyone, On this week’s edition of Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week, I’ve picked a moment that should make all the Nightbreed fans happy! The Tribes of the Moon Welcome You: I love everything about this scene. The Gothic atmosphere. Danny’s Elfman’s powerful, and beautiful score that eludes...READ MORE...

Clive Barker Podcast’s Scene of the Week

Hello Everyone, It’s your good friend Rob Ridenour back with a fun new feature for all of you! Each week I’ll select a scene from Clive Barker’s movie-verse that I enjoy. I think this will be a fun way to possibly recruit some new souls into the world of Clive...READ MORE...

Tuesday Tunes: Dancing In the Dark

Hey everyone, This is your old pal Rob Ridenour dropping by to do a quick Tuesday Tunes for you all. I gotta admit I’ve missed talking with everyone on Facebook and the blog site. I’ve hope everyone has been doing well. Ryan and Jose have a lot of cool stuff...READ MORE...

“Clive Barker’s Jericho” Playthrough Coming Soon!

Hello Friends: We finally figured out some technical hurdles and we’re finally starting to record a playthrough of Clive Barker’s Jericho for our @Barkercast YouTube channel. We hope you’ll join us and the Jericho team, as we enter Rub’ al Khali and go once more into the breach to defeat...READ MORE...

Review of the Famous Surgeon Scene

“If they’ve got the negative you know I’m sure they’ll put it on some Bluray extra sometime somewhere, and then you too will be able to say to everybody,”Yeah it was crap.” – Peter Atkins After watching the deleted ‘Surgeon Scene’ from Hellbound: Hellraiser II I can see why writer Peter Atkins...READ MORE...

Retro Review: Hellbound: Hellraiser II

Retro Review: Hellbound: Hellraiser II

It’s rare to see a sequel top the original film that spawned it, but Hellbound: Hellraiser II does just that. Many sequels usually don’t take chances and play it safe. A lot of the time they want to mirror what made the original work so well, but never bring anything...READ MORE...

Next Testament Volume Two TPB Review…

Next Testament Volume Two TPB Review…

In Liam Sharp’s witty and informative forward he makes a statement that I feel sums up how we as a species need to grow and evolve in our way of thinking. He says.”A god whose whims you can never fully appease, who will damn three generations of your guiltless families...READ MORE...

Beyond the Limits: “Heartbreak”

Welcome to the new Clive Barker Podcast Feature: Beyond the Limits where we’ll analyze a Clive Barker painting or photograph and express how it makes us feel. When I’m having a bad day one of the things that I do to cheer myself up is to look at a piece of...READ MORE...

Weekly 5: The 5 Weirdest Clive Barker Adaptations

Hello Friends: Clive Barker is usually remembered for his directorial debut “Hellraiser” (1987), but that wasn’t his first foray into the wonderfully wacky world of filmmaking. In 1985/86 he wrote 2 scripts that went into production. I’d risk saying only a minority of Clive’s fans know what we are talking...READ MORE...

10 Things Clive Barker Fans Shouldn’t Do

  I’m a person that gets annoyed a lot, and having followed Clive Barker for a long time (like probably most everyone reading this has) there are patterns and things that I notice.  (more…)