Tag Archives: Nightbreed


The Podcast hosting and bandwidth bill has snuck up on me again!  I really should mark that on my calendar. We’ve upped our game this year, with some great prizes.  Some of them donated, some from my own private collection, some even from Clive Barker’s Seraphim Office!  Names will be...READ MORE...

“Nightbreed” Director’s Cut Extras Announced!

Hello Friends: SCREAM FACTORY has just announced on their Facebook  page the final specs for the NIGHTBREED: DIRECTOR’S CUT release! Read it all below. But first, an announcement from Clive Barker’s office about what the NIGHTBREED: DIRECTOR’S CUT is. The Nightbreed Director’s Cut is an entirely different film than the one which...READ MORE...

Episode 77: Clive Barker’s Next Testament

This episode we talk about the BOOM! Studios 12-issue series “Next Testament”, created and written by Clive Barker and Mark Miller, who was a guest of the podcast previously, on episode #61. We do address spoilers about the story, so if you haven’t read it  yet, go pick it up...READ MORE...

Episode 75 : Cliff MacMillan of Scream Factory

Jose and Ryan have a great talk with Cliff MacMillan of Scream Factory about his recent announcement about Clive Barker’s Nightbreed Director’s Cut Deluxe Edition and Clive Barker’s Director’s Cut.  We talk a lot about the progress, Clive Barker’s involvement and a lots of other things too. You can find...READ MORE...

Episode 74 : The Multitude

Ryan and Jose dedicate an episode to news and listener questions, and we take on a thing that’s been bothering us for a while. What do we do with Occupy Midian when Nightbreed comes out? SHOW NOTES BREAKING:  Revelatory Interview 31 posted today: http://www.clivebarker.info/intsrevel31.html   MPI Media Group/Dark Sky Film...READ MORE...

Nightbreed #1 from BOOM! Studios Review

“Clive Barker’s Nightbreed” #1 is the fresh new release from BOOM! Studios. Written by Marc Andreyko with art by Piotr Kowalski, it opens with Lylesburg in present time, in an underground tunnel of what we may recognize as the old Midian from the popular Nightbreed movie, where he breaks the...READ MORE...

Episode 73 : Boom Studios’ Clive Barker’s Nightbreed

We had a fun time talking about something new for once.  In this episode news was about the Leviathan documentary, and our main topic was the new Nightbreed comic from Boom Studios.  A little shorter than normal this time around. Show Notes Clive Barker News Leviathan T-Shirt https://clivebarkercast.com/2014/06/01/limited-edition-leviathan-t-shirts/ Leviathan Kickstarter...READ MORE...

Nightbreed Reunion at Days of the Dead Indianapolis

We’re so proud to be a part of Occupy Midian, and now a Nightbreed reunion is a thing that can (and has) happen at conventions.  So Indianapolis Days of the Dead is happening soon.  June 27 through 29 at the Wyndham Indianapolis West.  Are you going?  I spent a lot...READ MORE...

Midian Unmade Nightbreed Anthology Update

Joe Nassise and Del Howison have provided the table of contents for the short story anthology Midian Unmade, to be release later this year by TOR.  Did you submit a story? I’m very pleased to announce the official table of contents for the MIDIAN UNMADE anthology coming in hardcover, paperback, and...READ MORE...

Chattering With Nicholas Vince (Hangout)

Hello Friends: Recently actor & writer Nicholas Vince (previously a guest of the podcast eps. #11 & 25) created a public Hangout on Google Plus, where fans could log in questions to  be answered live. This event was called “Chattering with Nicholas Vince“. I participated in  the event, asking a...READ MORE...

Midian Unmade

According to Del Howison, Tor–the publishers of the Nightbreed-related anthology “Midian Unmade” that Jose and I had rejected stories–will come out next Spring.

Clive Barker’s Nightbreed #12 Retro Review

The issue concludes the Gods story from last issue.  The Creative team from that issue, Chichester and Nelson, also carried over to this issue.  In that issue we learn that the Aztec Gods, Tezcatlipoca (Tez) and  Izpapolotl (Izzy) are actually Nightbreed.  Tez misses the Days of being Worshipped and wants...READ MORE...

Nightbreed: “Diaspora” by José Leitão [short story]

“We are all wanderers on this earth. Our hearts are full of wonder, and our souls are deep with dreams.” ― Gypsy saying. Running down the darkened hallway as the alarm bell rang, Kinski held the wrapped statuette tight against his body, before museum security would show up to give chase....READ MORE...