Tag Archives: Nightbreed

160 : We Hope This Annoys the Resellers

Welcome, and thanks for listening to the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast dedicated to the imagination of Clive Barker.  Did you see how I changed it up there? I was so proud, I thought I had made up “the works and worlds of Clive Barker” but in reality I...READ MORE...

159 : Clive Barker’s Nightbreed (Epic Part 5)

Welcome back and thanks for joining us on episode 159 of the Clve Barker Podcast. This episode Jose and Ryan talk about Marvel / Epic Nightbreed Issues 17-20. These issues are about shape-shifting were-creatures, and One of them is even written by Larry Wachowski. Show Notes Discussion: Issue 17 –...READ MORE...

Nightbreed The Cabal Cut is Back!

For those following the story of The Cabal Cut, you know that originally Seraphim was allowed to sell 250 copies.  This was comprised of 200 Deluxe and 50 standard copies. Of course with a minimum Blu-Ray order of 1000, this left Seraphim with a lot of extra copies. Now, in...READ MORE...

158 : And the Dog was Traumatized

Welcome back and thanks again for listening to the Clive Barker Podcast – the only podvast dedicated to the works and worlds of Clive Barker.  This is episode 158 – where we catch up on the news,  please buy a T-shirt! Morgan Creek’s developing Nightbreed again, an update on our...READ MORE...

157 : Clive Barker’s Nightbreed (Epic Part 4)

Thanks for joining us at the Clive Barker Podcast. The only podcast dedicated to the works and worlds of Clive Barker. In Episode 157, José and I talk about the Marvel/Epic Nightbreed comics, 13-16 (Nightbreed VS. Rawhead Rex). Show Notes Discussion: Clive Barker’s Nightbreed Issues 13-16. And this podcast, having...READ MORE...

156 : Animal, Vegetable or Mineral?

Thanks for joining us again at the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast dedicated to the works and worlds of Clive Barker.  Episode 156 is Clive Barker news!  We catch up with the ongoing Hellraiser 30th Anniversary celebration, Nightbreed Cabal  Cut  small second release, The Clive Barker store, sales and...READ MORE...

Morgan Creek Rebrand & Reboots Announced!

Deadline Hollywood just posted an exclusive announcement that Morgan Creek is going through a rebranding process and changing its name to Morgan Creek Entertainment Group. Not only that, but it’s preparing to renew their efforts into developing across multiple platforms at least 7 of their properties, including Ace Ventura, Major League,...READ MORE...

Some Remaining Copies of the Cabal Cut!

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017 some returned copies of the Cabal Cut will go on sale.  If you’ve been following the story, you know that the Cabal Cut of Nightbreed had an ultra-limited release a while back, with only 250 copies sold.  Only two of the available copies are deluxe editions,...READ MORE...

155 : Clive Barker’s Nightbreed (Epic Part 3)

Thanks for listening to the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast dedicated to the works and worlds of Clive Barker. This is episode 155, Clive Barker’s Nightbreed (Epic Part 3) where we talk about the Epic’s Marvel Run of Nightbreed.  Specifically this one is all about Jihad 1 and 2,...READ MORE...

154 : Nightbreed The Cabal Cut Blu-Ray

Thanks for joinging us again on the Clive Barker Podcast.  The only Podcast dedicated to the works and worlds of Clive Barker.  This is episode 154 where we catch up with the news and talk about our copies of Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut. Show Notes Clive Barker News Paul T....READ MORE...

152 : Exploding Ohnaka Box Set

Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast dedicated to the works and worlds of Clive Barker. This is episode 152, a news episode. We talk about the Cabal Cut (almost sold out) Hellraiser The Toll, A recent interview with Clive Barker, Imaginer 5, conventions and all kinds of...READ MORE...

Today is “Cabal Cut” Release Day!

Hello Friends: The day is finally here. The Cabal Cut is up for sale over at the RCB Store. If you attended Son of Monsterpalooza and stopped by the RealCliveBarker Store booth, you probably saw a few copies of the Cabal Cut Blu-Ray being sold there— over on Occupy Midian...READ MORE...