Tag Archives: Podcast

398 : Commentary Classics – Nightbreed Director’s Cut

Edit: We’re bringing this 2016 Commentary Classic of the 2014 Director’s Cut back into the fold with an episode number.  Remember when Occupy Midian was at its peak, and the Director’s Cut was new?  We do! For the first time since the Los Angeles Premiere with Clive Barker, Jose Leitao...READ MORE...

397 : Commentary Classics – Candyman

Edit:  We’re bringing back this Classic Commentary from 2016 where we did an audio commentary for the original Candyman, giving it a proper episode number and bringing it into the podcast episode family. They will say that I have shed innocent blood… Only two of these left to go!  Today...READ MORE...

394 : Commentary Classics = Rawhead Rex

Edit:  This was our second cxommentary track from 2015, for Rawhead Rex.  Now available on 4K Blu-Ray.  That was not the case when we made this. Here we go with our second goal, or first stretch goal from Kickstarter.  Rawhead Rex audio commentary.  Sync up your movie to right before...READ MORE...

392: JSJJ C1E16 ‘The Wings of Hapexamendios’

Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 16 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion.  The members of squad 77 stand up their rival squad, take on a dragon god, makes a wish and investigate the mysteriously...READ MORE...

391 : Commentary Classics – Transmutations

Edit: Our first commentary track, done in 2015. We did this using a DVD and a Laser Disc.  Now it’s coming out in 4K Blu-Ray.  Can you believe it? It’s our first Kickstarter goal, and there are a lot more to go, so we thought we’d better get started early....READ MORE...

389 : Commentary Classics – The Forbidden

Audio Commentary for Clive Barker’s The Forbidden Edit: We’re bringing back this Commentary Classic we did in 2018 to bring it in the fold and give it an episode number.  Find your copy of the film and watch along with us! 50:04. 1973. And this podcast, having no beginning, will...READ MORE...

388 : Commentary Classics – Salome

Edit: We’re re-running this audio commentary for Salome we did in 2018 so we can properly give it an episode number. Jose, Rob and Ryan sit down to watch Clive Barker’s 1972 experimental film, Salome. Before the film starts, we give thanks to our Kickstarter backers from our current, successful...READ MORE...

385 : Commentary Classics – Hellraiser Judgement

Happy Holidays!  For the month of December, we’re finishing up the Hellraiser Commentary Classic line with the 10th film, Hellraiser Judgement, recorded February, 2018. We’re bringing back a holiday classic on Christmas Day. Que Sera, Sera. Ryan, Jose, Markus and David sit down to watch the newly released Hellraiser Judgement....READ MORE...

384 : Commentary Classics – Hellraiser Revelations

Bringing back this 2016 Audio Commentary for the worst Hellraiser movie out there, Hellraiser Revelations. Can you make it all the way through this movie? Where were you November 2011?  If you were watching Hellraiser Revelations, ccongratulations for being one of the survivors!   So why would we ask you...READ MORE...

381 :Commentary Classics : Hellraiser Hellworld

It’s time to revisit one of the worst Hellraiser movies ever made.  We’re bringing back this commentary we did in 2016, and give it a proper episode number. “It’s like a bad horror movie, isn’t it?” Rob, José and Ryan sit down to watch the painful and nonsensical Hellraiser (8)...READ MORE...

380: JSJJ C1E15’Gods and Monsters’

Welcome to the Clive Barker Podcast, and part 15 of our Dungeons and Dragons game, Jericho Squad 77, set in the capitol city of Yzordderrex in the second dominion.  Today squad 77 solves a riddle, heals s god and spies on their rival squad 78, but they still make time to...READ MORE...

378 – Commentary Classics Hellraiser Deader

From 2016, We’re bringing back this classic commentary of Hellraiser Deader! Ryan, Jose and Rob are back with another Audio Commentary down for “Clive Barker Podcast Presents Fundraiser III: Hell on Earth”. This time it’s Hellraiser (7) Deader. Synch up your DVD players, or Netflix or VHS to just before...READ MORE...

372 : Commentary Classics – Hellraiser Inferno

We’re bringing back this audio Commentary from 2016 to revisit the first direct-to-video Hellraiser, Inferno. Detective Thorne is having the worst groundhog day ever as he ignores his family and gets beaten up by Karate cowboys.  Watch Hellraiser (5) Inferno with us with our newest audio commentary — the result...READ MORE...

371 : Hellraiser 2022 Reactions

It’s Hellraiser 2022 time! Episode 371 of the BarkerCast, Jose and Ryan are joined by Nina and Ed of Coenobium, Catalina and Joe of Little Spark Films and Ian Swanson, who recently put together a charity screening of Hellraiser ’87) and Eric Gross, friend of the show and puzzlebox designer....READ MORE...