Tag Archives: Podcast

Revelations: Stage Play News!

Over at the site iHorror they’ve conducted an new interview with the makers of the Revelations: Stage play. They also discuss the work in progress of the play too which is an added bonus. They talk about a lot of cool new stuff such as how originally the project started...READ MORE...

The Painter, The Creature, and the Father of Lies News!

Over at the Revelations Facebook page they’re reporting that Lettered Editions of the The Painter, The Creature, and the Father of Lies should be should shipping out soon from Earthling Publishing. So if you ordered a copy be on the look out. I wish I would’ve gotten one of these...READ MORE...

Special Features announced for Leviathan Documentary!

Over at the Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II  Facebook page they’ve just announced the specs for the dvd set. It’s looking pretty impressive. I’ve listed them below. Thanks to Revelations for sharing the news. SPECIAL FEATURE BREAKDOWN: Clive Barker: Writer, Director and Imaginer runtime 30 minutes Channard: The...READ MORE...

The Departed to be reprinted in upcoming E-book!

Over at Revelations Facebook page they’ve reported that Clive Barker’s short story, The Departed will be reprinted in the Dark Screams e-anthologies Volume Four which will be released on August 4th, 2015. This is great news because I’ve never read The Departed and this will give me a chance to do so....READ MORE...

Clive’s Five Paintings that Inspire Me!!!

This past year as I’ve been rediscovering Clive Barker’s work there’s a part of his artistic universe that I’ve never ventured into which is his truly imaginative world of art and photography. When I was growing up I was only interested in the movies, novels, and comic-books that he put...READ MORE...

Daily Dead to cover Clive Barker in latest Magazine!

Over at the horror site the Daily Dead their upcoming issue will cover a lot of things involved in the world of Clive Barker. They will have retrospectives on both Hellraiser and Nightbreed. Also, an early review of The Scarlet Gospels and a special giveaway of the novel as well. And...READ MORE...

Our Next Episode: We Need Your Help

Return of the Son of the Multitude!  Questions, Comments, Topics and Feedback.  Give us some of those in the comments section below, and we’ll fit you in.  If you want to join the call, contact us and we’ll get it arranged.  We typically record early afternoon Pacific Time (Like 12:00...READ MORE...

A Nice Article on the character of Ashberry!

There’s a very good article written by Gabriel Thomas over at his blog Sudden Movement of the Head about the character of Ashberry entitled, “Ashberry without Community.” Ashberry has always fascinated me and the evolution of his character was given greater significance and meaning in the Director’s Cut. Some fans have also...READ MORE...

Boom Nightbreed Comic Graphic Novel

According to Daily Dead’s early look at cover art, There will be a collected book of Nightbreed 1-4 comics for $14.99.  They don’t give a release date, but it can’t be more than 3 or 4 moths away.  Above is the cover art for it.  And it’s volume 1, so more...READ MORE...

Clive Barker’s The Scarlet Gospels (Ryan’s Take)

To keep the lynch mob at bay, and because we love our readers / listeners, I will keep this spoiler-free as humanly possible.  The good people at St. Martins Press and Seraphim were generous to let us have review copes of the book, and we were thrilled.  This is a...READ MORE...

Episode 91 : The Scarlet Gospels (Spoiler-Free) + Hellraiser Bestiary

Jose, Ryan and Rob go through the Clive Barker news and talk about our experience with advance reader copies of The Scarlet Gospels.  Don’t worry, we kept it totally spoiler-free!  We also talk about the final Hellraiser comics from Boom Studios, Hellraiser Bestiary.  And we open with all the Clive Barker...READ MORE...

Leviathan 2-disc and Limited 3-discs Edition sets are READY TO GO!!!

Over at Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II Facebook page they’ve announced that the 2-disc and Limited 3-disc special editions will go up for pre-order on April 6th!!! The final cover art has also been revealed and I’m really digging the regular release’s cover of the bloody mattresswith...READ MORE...

The Entwined

Today the Podcast received an interesting link concerning a new movie that Clive Barker is involved with called The Entwined.  The story concerns a couple who discovers that their destinies are entwined with an ancient and powerful spirit whose evil threatens to engulf them both. The film is directed by Robert...READ MORE...