Tag Archives: Podcast

Hellbound Heart and Mister B. Gone just $1.99 Today Only!

Do you like Clive Barker stories with Demons in them?  Well Amazon.com is having a 1-day sale of Clive Barker E-Books for Kindle  Both Mister B. Gone and The Hellbound Heart are on sale, today only for just $1.99! Hellbound Heart, of course is the basis for Clive Barker’s most...READ MORE...

Review: Imajica: The Fifth Dominion and The Reconciliation

Clive Barker’s Imajica was first published in 1991. This book is a riveting fantasy (or fantastique in the words of Clive Barker). Imajica is a huge book, not just in page length, but also in the scope and breadth of the number of characters, subject matter, and themes that it includes. Themes such...READ MORE...

Clive Barker’s Nightbreed #8 Retro Review

Chapter Three of The Blasphemers had a lot of story packed in it, to even things out from the brawling last time.  D.G. Chichester continues to write, but Bret Blevins is no longer on the team.  Co-artist from last issue Mike Manley, is joined by Ricardo Villagran (Aquaman : Sword...READ MORE...

Happy Birthday Peggy O’Leary!

For those that don’t know, Peggy O’Leary taught Abarat to her Kodiak Alaska Middle School classes.  Clive Barker was so impressed with her curriculum he helped her out, and even gave her an advance copy of Abarat III : Absolute Midnight to help her out.  Clive has interacted with Ms....READ MORE...

Episode 61 : Mark Miller, Seraphim inc.

In this, our final episode of the Clive Barker Podcast for 2013 (probably) Ryan and Jose talk with Mark Miller, Vice President of Clive Barker’s Seraphim Inc.  Skype played a trick on us, in that Mark was experiencing about a 5 second delay after Jose and I would talk. We...READ MORE...

Episode 60 : Maximilian Bacchus

In our 60th episode of the Clive Barker Podcast, Jose and Ryan talk about The Adventures of Mr. Maximillian Bacchus and His Travelling Circus, a novella written in 1975/1976 by Clive Barker, and previously unpublished until Bad Moon Books published it in 2009. Show Notes:  Site News Andrew’s review of Nightbreed...READ MORE...

Clive Barker’s First Tales Available Midnight PST

Clive Barker’s First Tales will go on sale via Clive Barker’s official web store, realclivebarker.com.  Here’s a link to the advertisement. http://www.realclivebarker.com/firsttales/ First Tales is comprised of Wood on the Hill–a short story originally written by Clive Barker as a pre-teen, and Candle in the Cloud, a novel that predates...READ MORE...

New Edition of The Damnation Game

Yesterday Cemetery Dance issued an email that they have almost sold out of a new limited edition of The Damnation Game.  Maybe by the time of this posting they have sold out.  It exists in both limited and lettered editions. Go to Their site to see if you can still...READ MORE...

Leviathan: The Story of Hellraiser and Helbound: Hellraiser II

So if you’re friends with Barbie Wilde, Simon Bamford or Nicolas Vince on Facebook, there have been hints and teasers about this Documentary that has begun production.  Bloody Disgusting has broken the story that it’s a documentary by John K. McDonough and according to Bloody Disgusting will feature Simon Bamford, Barbie...READ MORE...

Clive Barker’s Nightbreed #5 Retro Review

The first issue after the adaptation started a 6 issue story arc entitled “The Blasphemers.”  It is written by Barker alum, DG Chichester, whom you may remember from all his work over on Hellraiser.    There are two artists for this issue, Jackson Guice, late known as Butch Guice, who went...READ MORE...

Hellraiser, The Dark Watch Preview of #10

Bloody Disgusting has a preview of Hellraiser, the Dark Watch #10. I don’t like having things spoiled, so I’m steering clear.  Do you like seeing previews of things you’re going to buy anyway?  I’d be a better news reporter if I read this, but I’m not going to do it....READ MORE...

Episode 58 : Paul Gerrard, Hellraiser Origins

In episode 58 of the Clive Barker Podcast, Ryan Danhauser and guest host Max talked with Paul Gerrard about his vision for the world of Hellraiser Origins, his thoughts on Clive Barker’s recent remake announcement, and other movies he’s been involved with, and is working on for the future.  ...READ MORE...

Clive Barker’s Hellraiser Issue 5 Retro Review

Before I talk about this week’s book, I have a correction to make.  Last week when talking about Nightbreed, I had said that in the Novel, as in the Comic, Detective Joyce whisked Babette to safety.  Turns out that was not the case in the Novel.  In fact, Joyce is...READ MORE...