Tag Archives: Pyramid Gallery

267 : Little Spark Films

Thank you again for subscribing to the Clive Barker Podcast. In Episode 267, Jose and Ryan are joined by Joe Manco and Catalina Querida of Little Spark Films to talk about working with Joe Bob Briggs on the Hellbound episode of The Last Drive In, Their film adaptation of Paul Kane’s The...READ MORE...

117: Duels of Blood

Hello Friends! Welcome to another very special episode of the @Barkercast, as usual with Ryan, Rob and myself but this time we had someone else joining us today, and you’ve heard him before on our show for the Hellraiser Movie Discussion episodes, and Books of the Damned episodes, – and if...READ MORE...

Episode 92 : Return of the Son of the Multitude

Ryan, José and Rob return for Episode 92 of the Clive Barker Podcast to go through comments, feedback and topics our listeners wanted to discuss.  We even opened up the possibility of calling in talk about your concern in person… with interesting results. … Brad Pitt is interested in playing my...READ MORE...


The Podcast hosting and bandwidth bill has snuck up on me again!  I really should mark that on my calendar. We’ve upped our game this year, with some great prizes.  Some of them donated, some from my own private collection, some even from Clive Barker’s Seraphim Office!  Names will be...READ MORE...

Episode 52 : Clive Barker’s Books of the Damned

Ryan, Jose and guest Max talk about Clive Barker’s Books of the Damned, Hellraiser Companion.  We talk about all 4 volumes, how they relate to the Movies and the late 80’s early ’90’s comics.  Check it out. (more…)