Tag Archives: Shock Till You Drop

Hellraiser Featured in ‘Bloody Love’ Article!!!

Over at the horror site shocktillyoudrop.com column writer Alexandra West has written a very informative article about how love can be more damaging and deceitful rather than having everyone live happily ever after. The article covers three films: The Fly, Bram Stokers’ Dracula, and finally Clive Barker’s Hellraiser. I totally agree with her assessment...READ MORE...

Clive Barker on the Hellraiser Remake…

Another remake appears to be on the horizon and luckily the original creator will be attached to the project. Clive Barker has turned in his second draft of the script for the remake but is just waiting for the word from Dimension head honcho Bob Weinstein for the go ahead. I’m...READ MORE...