Tag Archives: Tiffany

Review of the Famous Surgeon Scene

“If they’ve got the negative you know I’m sure they’ll put it on some Bluray extra sometime somewhere, and then you too will be able to say to everybody,”Yeah it was crap.” – Peter Atkins After watching the deleted ‘Surgeon Scene’ from Hellbound: Hellraiser II I can see why writer Peter Atkins...READ MORE...

Retro Review: Hellbound: Hellraiser II

Retro Review: Hellbound: Hellraiser II

It’s rare to see a sequel top the original film that spawned it, but Hellbound: Hellraiser II does just that. Many sequels usually don’t take chances and play it safe. A lot of the time they want to mirror what made the original work so well, but never bring anything...READ MORE...

My Farewell to Pinhead…

Soon I’m going to starting a Retro Review series of the first four Hellraiser films, but before I do that I wanted to write a farewell letter to my favorite lead Cenobite Pinhead who’s being sent off in style by his maker Clive Barker in the highly anticipated novel The...READ MORE...