
New Years Update

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Jose and I can’t express our appreciation enough for helping to fund the Clive Barker Podcast for another year, but we tried!  Here’s a link to the blog post and podcast episode that includes our special thanks to you.  245: Winter Solstice in the Dark Regions. So here’s a quick update. We made $1566 of our initial humble goal of $500, and blasted through the Imaginer series stretch goal, so we will also be able to cover the complete series of Clive Barker Imaginer art books from 1 to 8, when they are all out (7 is available for pre-order and 8 is in production from Phil and Sarah Stokes of the Clive Barker Archive). 

Kickstarter funds are on their way to me, and as soon as you get this update, I’ll be working on the surveys to make sure I have your correct contact information. Last year, one person never responded, and never got his backer reward. I still have that poster sitting in a tube!  So expect the survey soon, and expect that I’ll be spending the coming weekend boxing things up and mailing them to you, for those of you that don’t live in Fairbanks Alaska and bought physical things that require shipping.  If you’re an advertiser, we’ll be contact you next week to work out the details with you for the coming year. We can’t wait to work with Don Bertram’s Celebrate Imagination again, and new sponsor, Dark Regions Press!

The Interview Book is currently a 162-page word file, about 3/4 finished in its first draft.  Then we start on the final edit for content, then for grammar and structure. 

The Podcast Will kick off the new year with our annual tradition, Year in Review. We talk Clive Barker and adjacent releases, rumors and our memories from the podcast in 2019. If you have some feedback, feel free to email it to me in text or audio, and you can use the Speakpipe voicemail on the web site

Happy New Year from The BarkerCast!